JT/Rock Mpreg Fic Part 9

Apr 15, 2012 15:41

Title: Christmas Angels Part 2
Fandom: Crossfire Trail
Pairings: JT/Rock, Barkow/Beau Dorn
Warnings: Mpreg, Slash.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: JT and Beau both discover that the other is pregnant. lol ^^

JT and Rock sat down at their table at the town resturaunt. "well, what do ya feel like tonight love?" Rock asked him smiling. " I don't know..." JT replied, looking over the menu." well, whats the baby feel like eating tonight?" JT smiled. "I don't know why don't ya ask her."

Rock grinned and reached over the table, putting a hand to JT's belly. " Hi baby, can ya here me? Its your daddy." he said to the tiny life inside JT. JT just kept smiling, putting a hand over Rock's to feel his slightly distended stomach. " Hi baby, can you kick for mommy and daddy?" he asked hopefully.

But the baby didn't kick, much to JT's disapointment. "Don't fret love, she'll startin kickin soon." Rock reassured him. JT grinned and looked back at his menu. and after the waiter had taken their orders and left, JT suddenly got the strangest feeling that they were being watched.....

Barkow and Beau sat at the table behind JT and Rock. They had gotten there before them though so they were already eating dinner. Beau had already began to have cravings, so the things he was eating was almost enough to make barkow throw up. He looked at Beau .

"how can you eat that stuff?" he asked, a bit discusted. "believe me if I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't be able to." Barkow grinned. "Next thing ya know I'll be out in the middle of the night gettin you whatever it is you want to eat." "blame your kid, he's the one making me think that this stuff is appetizing."

Beau continued to eat and barkow thought to himself for a minute. "what do you think we should name this one?" he asked beau. Beau shrugged. "I like the name becca for a girl. don't know about a boy's name though." Barkow smiled. "what about brad?" he asked.

Beau grinned. " I like it, sounds kinda badass." Barkow laughed a little. "I thought you might like that one." Suddenly Beau got a frightened look on his face. "whats wrong darling?" Barkow asked him. "look behind you." Beau whispered. Barkow peered behinde him and his eyes went wide.

"what are they doing here?" he whispered back to Beau, seeing JT and Rock sitting in front of them. "your guess is as good as mine." he said looking down at the floor, hoping that the other couple wouldn't see his face. Barkow could hear Rock talking to JT. "shh, darling listen..." he told Beau.

Rock was overly excited, he couldn't quit smiling and that was making JT laugh. "God whoever thought that the good lord would bless us with another little miracle." He said to JT. just then without thinking Beau turned around and starred at them, eyes wide and unbelieving.

"Your Having Another Kid?!" he asked shocked. JT's eyes got wide with fear and Rock just starred at him. "yeah,..." he said. "whats it to you?" barkow grinned. "so are we." he said proudly, pressing a hand to Beau's stomach, and smiling. The two couples just starred at eachother for awhile.

"well, congratulations I guess..." JT told them. " thank you.... you to." Barkow replied. right when they were just starting to be friendly with eachother the waitor brought barkow their bill and they got up to leave. " well, nice talkin to ya, but were gonna head home now."

"see ya." Rock replied as they got up and headed out the door. JT looked back at rock, a worried look on his face. " Rock what if we get stuck in the same hospital room with them again." he panicked. Rock cupped a hand to his cheek. "Don't worry love, we won't, and even if we did, we called a truce with them remember, they won't try anything."

"But Rock, I'm still afraid of him, he tried to kill me and he almost did." JT began to cry in fear.Rock held him close. "honey Don't cry, it's alright, I would never let anything happen to you like that again, I swear on my life he'd have to cut me down before he touched you.

JT laid his head on Rock's shoulder and sobbed. Rock grinned, an idea suddenly popping into his head. "wanna hear a joke love?" he asked. JT looked up at him and nodded. So rock told him his favorite irish joke and soon JT had a big smile on his face. "I'm not worried anymore Rock."

He told him. Rock smiled and pressed a kiss to his mouth. "I thought that might cheer you up love." he told him, smiling. JT shook his head. "It's not that." He said, a happy tear dripping from his eye. "well than what was it?" Rock asked confused. JT took rock's hand and pressed it to his stomach. "the baby just kicked..."

Later that night....
Beau and Barkow were laying in bed asleep. It was storming outside and the lightning was flashing pretty close to the house. It was around three in the morning and Ben woke up after a nightmare. He sniffled and wiped a tear away from his eye. "mommy?, daddy?"

He called for his parents, but they couldn't hear him. He got out of bed, taking his blanket and teddy bear with him and walked down the hallway to his parents bedroom. He opened the door, walked inside and climbed up onto the bed, crawling up and slipping under the blankets with his mom and dad.

He snuggled close to his mother, sucking his thumb and holding his teddy bear close to him. Beau cocked an eye open and smiled, seeing ben laying up against him. he put an arm gently around little ben and went back to sleep. But then ben's eyes suddenly opened and he jumped up.

He starred down at his mother's stomach and carefully put a hand to it. Suddenly a smile spread across his face and he shook Beau to wake him up. " Mommy Wake up!" Beau opened his eyes and sat up. "whats wrong honey, are you alright?" " uh huh." he said and then began to wake barkow up.

"daddy!daddy! wake up!" he shook him and he awaoke. "Alright Alright, I'm awake now what is it ben?" he asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Ben rushed to the other side of the bed, a big smile on his face and he put his hand on his mothers stomach. his eyes sparkled and he smiled great big.

"The Baby's Kickin!"........

(to be continued ^^)

crossfire trail, slash fic, mpreg, christian kane, bruce barkow, jt/rock, jt langston, beau dorn

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