JT/Rock Mpreg Fic Part 7

Feb 24, 2012 06:15

Title: JT's Wish Part 5
Fandom: Crossfire Trail
Pairings: JT/Rock, Barkow/Beau Dorn
Warnings: Slash, Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing
Summary: JT arrives at the cabin, Beau gives birth to his fourth child.

Beau screamed again, bearing down as hard as he could. " OWWWWWWWWW!" he reached his hand down, feeling the top of his baby's head just beggining to emerge from him. he sat breathing heavily for a minute, tired but a bit proud that he'd done this all on his own.

The next contraction started and he began pushing again. " AHHHHHHHHHHH! OH GOD!" he cried out in pain, gripping the sides of the bed with both hands, another gush of blood soaking the towels beneath him. " AHHHHHHHH! BRUCE!!!" he cried out for barkow, wanting him here so much.

" GOD HELP ME! " he cried, the baby's head slipping a little further into the world. " GET IT OUT!" The killer cried, still trying with all the strength he had in his body to push his child out, into his arms. He felt his skin tear a little and screamed a little louder, the pain stinging even more. " GET IT OUT!"....

meanwhile, JT had just arrived at the cabin. he jumped off his horse and rushed into the cabin. " Hello?" he called. suddenly he heard the scream again. he lifted the cowhide lash on his pistol and pulled it out of its holster, just incase someone was trying to dry gulch him.

He moved closer to the bedroom door, hearin someone screaming again, louder this time. He knew whoever it was was in there. reluctantly he opened the door and stepped in. What he saw shocked him. There was Beau Dorn, laying in pain on the bed, screaming.

His face was red and he looked tired. JT looked down, noticing the blood beneath Beau on the bed. He didn't know what to think. although his first thought was that Beau was dieing right there infront of him. " So, fate finally caught up to ya." JT said pulling the hammer back on his pistol.

Beau looked up, surprised and a bit frightened to see JT. " you...... what are you... talking about langston?" he asked, seeing that JT's gun was pointed directly at him. " I know your no better than the devil, but no one deserves to die this painfully, reckon i'll just finish ya off."

Beau just starred at him in fear for himself and his unborn child. " Wait! Don't shoot!" JT's gun went off and hit the wall behind Beau's head. Beau opened his eyes, " What the hells wrong with you!" He threw a pillow at him. " Whats the matter, your dyin anyway."

Beau's face got red. " I Ain't Dieing, I'm tryin to have a god damned kid!" he screamed, and beared down, feeling another contracion. He grabbed a glass cup off the night stand and threw it at JT. JT ducked out of the way just in time and the glass shattered against the wall.

" okay.. um..I'll just be leaving now." he took off, opening the door and running out of the room, then he realized that it was the closet and not the front door and he ran back out. Beau quickly looked up, feeling that the baby would be here at any given moment.

" Wait! Please don't leave! god please don't leave me here!" JT looked back before going out the door. Beau Dorn was actually asking him for help. He thought for a minute then looked back up.  " I'll send back help." he told him and started to walk out the door again.

" NO! It Won't Wait!" he screamed. " ITS COMING, HELP ME!" JT  hesitated, but then walked to the end of the bed, and lifted the blanket. Beau kept screaming, bearing down so hard his face began to turn purple. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" JT grinned a little, amused that the man that feared nothing was acting like such a baby.

Beau rested for a few seconds, then began pushing again. " OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" JT shook his head, and rolled his eyes. " okay It hurts, I get it." " OWW! just pull it out!" JT raised his eyebrow. " alright...." he rolled up his sleeves. " you want me to pull it out, I'll pull it out."

He gently took hold of the baby's head. Beau got a worried look on his face. JT grinned a little and yanked on the baby. This brought a whole new level of pain to Beau's body. He felt his skin ripping and tearing, the blood flooding his birth canal. " OWWWWW! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!"

He begged crying. " Don't touch me anymore!" he yelled at JT. " Don't blame me, you wanted me to pull him out didn't you?" " You Batard! you knew it would hurt didn't you!?" JT gave him an angry look. " And you knew putting a god damn bullet in my side would hurt to didn't you!?"

Beau looked away from him. " fine... you got your revenge, now please just help me." he begged him. JT sighed. " fine." he grabbed a towel that wasn't already soaked red with blood and held it to the baby's head. " Good thing is I already pulled his head out for ya."

Beau sucked in another breath and began pushing. " AHHHHHHHHHHHH! HE'S COMING, GET HIM OUT!" Beau screamed at the top of his lungs. JT held the towel to catch the baby. " Just keep pushing, he's coming." " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Beau screamed.

JT chuckeled to himself. " I don't know what your yellin for, he's comin real easy." he told him. Beau gripped the side of the bed and screamed again, as the baby's shoulders began to emerge. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" " Keep pushing." " I.....Can't!" " your already doin it, just keep goin."

Beau sucked in another breath. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He screamed one last time and with a torrent of blood, the baby slipped from his body and into JT's awaiting arms. Beau laid back, exhausted and sore from the birth. JT looked own at the tiny life in his arms.

He gently wiped the blood off of him with a towel and he began to cry. Beau grinned, hearing his child's first cry. " Shh, shh, shh." JT comforted the baby, wrappping him up in a blanket and rocking him in his arms. Beau looked at him. " well?" JT looked up. " It's a boy."

Beau tiredly held out his arms. " give him to me." Beau told him. JT looked down at the tiny little baby. he looked so innocent, so sweet and little. and yet he knew that he'd probably grow up to be a monster like his mother. He looked into the baby's eyes, and then he relized,... he had the power now, to give this child a better life,... he could take him back to the ranch. He stroked the baby's hair and looked up at Beau.

" No....."

( to be continued...) 

rock mullaney, crossfire trail, slash fic, mpreg, christian kane, barkow, jt/rock, jt langston, beau dorn

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