
Aug 11, 2006 19:03

Breaking this journal in as a general RPS and not just footballslash journal. Yes. And it's embarrassing to admit, but I think this is actually the first femmeslash fic (not piece, thankfully!) I have ever written. Whoa.

Title: Roomies
Rating: PG-13 or something for implications?
Characters: Renate Groenewold, Ireen Wüst
Disclaimer:  All made up ! Except for Renate's big mouth ex.
Summary: Crack. She wonders if she could discreetly excuse herself and go somewhere else for the duration of… it.

She wakes up in the middle of the night to the rather embarrassing sound of masturbation. Well. That’s not quite what she’d expected. She wonders if she could discreetly excuse herself and go somewhere else for the duration of… it.

Probably not.

She feels like a pervert.

And she must be beet-red from - embarrassment. Definitely that. The other thing, which her ex-boyfriend would imply, the thing which is not true at all, is not it.

She only did that once, anyway, and it was definitely not with a girl a decade younger than she was.

Damn Ireen to all hell.

femmeslash, rating: pg-13, drabble, speed skating, renate groenewold, ireen wüst

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