May 01, 2007 15:00
My dad bought me a Windows XP home edition off Ebay for cheaps. Now, here's my problem: Install it onto my old, crappy, Windows ME'd computer which doesn't do all that well anyway, OR, save it for the new computer that I will supposedly be building sometime in the near future (which has not yet even gotten into the planning stages, alas)
Children of Men is a good movie. Go rent it.
Filming is going okay. We did our first session last weekend, and other than being a little short on crew, it was fine. The director seems very motivated.
That's it for now. I'm hungry and shall look into getting some food.
And also, a special note to famp/n4cht: Both your Livejournals make my Explorer crash. Every time. Even looking at your Userinfo and Comments pages. Weird, huh?
Anyway, since I seem to be unable to comment on your LJ, could you give me a call and give me some directions to your place for the party? I'll try calling you in a few days in case you don't read this, but I don't think I have your new number.