[RP] So that went well then...

Aug 17, 2014 09:38

"Proceedeth ye therefore upon these heads. On the first head, know as closely as thou canst the value of both what thou hast, and what thou desireth, not as traded upon the street but to him that thou bespeaketh. Only thus canst thou cleave the anchoring stone unto thyself for best advantage. On the second head..."

Talisee turns the page, and the corner tears a little in her hand. "Oh, drat," she says with weary frustration as she realises that the leather binding has cracked along the spine and is disintegrating at the corners. Abandoning the second and third heads, she closes the book and takes it to the small pile next to the door; as far away from the bed, and her, as possible.

All her personal belongings are in that pile; the ones she really needs with her. On top, her charm bracelet glints slightly in the weak winter light. Once again she struggles with herself over whether to ask Thalissa to take it away. If there is one thing she doesn't want damaged... but gold lasts, it shouldn't be harmed, not if it stays this far away from her. And it's bad enough that she's had to take it off at all. The news coming from Reyal has suddenly stopped, and she is scared, so scared for Madrossi...

She forces her mind away from that line of thought and returns to her main preoccupation. Gold might cope, but books only last so long. Clothes, too. Fortunately for decency sheets and blankets cope a bit better, though she's mostly relying on the fire to keep her warm. She is bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

Who knew that the main problem with being an open conduit to the Inner Plane of Death is that it's dull? She can't talk to anyone but Thalissa and Illaria, Rosamund if she were here. Books tend to start disintegrating after a while. She could go sailing; except that with how busy the infirmary is right now she'd probably bump into some poor unsuspecting person before she even got to the boats, never mind how long the boats themselves would take to rot. Her touch is death.

Aborting a magical expression halfway through should have killed her. But she has the royal magic, the most intimate possible connection to Rayern. All through her body she can feel Rayern, keeping her alive.

She is pretty certain that this isn't a good thing.

fic, lifeblood

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