I started an epic post on Justin Masterson (HOW SO ADORABLE?), and then the apocalypse hit, and we lost power, and that was the end of that. Some other day. We finally got power back this afternoon, meaning it was gone less than two days, but those were two long damn days. I'm all for, say, two nights a winter with no power, because that means I get two nights curled up in front of the wood stove reading and making people play dominoes with me by candlelight. Good times. But when it intefers with my morning shower, well, fuck that domestic picture. I wanna wash my hair.
I desperately want to put a sign up on the door of the credit union where I work, and it's one of those things that I would absolutely do if it were a business I owned, but they will never let me do. I'm still working on the wording, because it needs to be short and to the point, which isn't how I usually think, but it would go something like this: If you enter the lobby wearing sunglasses, a hat, and your hood over your head, you look like a bank robber, and we will react accordingly. Personally, I think this is pretty self-explanatory, because THEY LOOK LIKE A FUCKING BANK ROBBER. But a certain group of our members seem to have trouble with this concept - I am looking at you, none-too-bright employees of the extremely large business directly across the street from us. *vagues out*
(To make the whole thing worse, not only have there been 12 robberies in our area in the last couple months - which is a full on HOLY SHIT kind of number - but we also had our annual "What To Do In Case of a Robbery" training last week, so we're what you might call hyper-alert.)
(I am also the kind of person who would seriously consider adding various asides to the bottom of the side - like, say, "This means you, John Smith" - to see how long it would take people to notice. I guarantee it would take a very long time. I would also refuse service to people on cell phones. Alas, my credit union is full-on company sized, and would not appreciate my take on customer service.)
In other news, Kevin Youkilis got bored this weekend, and did this:
I can't even. This is his official photograph! This is your boyfriend showing up for school picture day with a - with a YOUK MAN CHU. YES, IT HAS A NAME. OH GOD HE IS A 70S PORN STAR.
Shit, I love him so much. Ah, well. All of the boys were cross-eyed in their pictures this year, save Jason Varitek, who mostly looked offended by all the people crossing their eyes at him.
The upside: not only will Surviving Grady have to come up with a new nickname for him (previously: The One Whose Beard Frightens Small Children), but my man is getting some serious blog coverage. I expect to see a full on trend, a la Giambi's mustache.
Spring training games start tomorrow, and I am freaking psyched. I'll miss the traditional afternoon game against Boston College (though I am extremely amused by the thought of the poor kids from BC not getting any sleep tonight because they will be trying to hit off Josh Motherfucking Beckett tomorrow), but I will catch the game against the Twins at 7, and have already made beer and pizza plans with my brother.
Just a reminder: If you want to see pictures of something in my life (other than my baseball husband's kick ass facial hair), go to
this post and ask. Otherwise you are looking at a post with a lot of pictures of my Red Sox shirts.
And, finally: HA HA SARAH PALIN. The nice thing is that I don't have to link to anything, because all of the embarrassing Sarah Palin stories make the national news. HA HA.