you knock my socks off

Oct 17, 2006 02:58

First, let me get this off my chest:  I hated Jordan's suit.  Hated it.  It looked like it didn't fit, and it bothered me, and so maybe I didn't pay as much attention to the scenes she was in as I should have.

That said, I love this show.  Lauren Graham!  Sting!  And Matt is totally going to hit on Lauren Graham next week!  Lauren Graham is kind of my favorite.

I have decided that, for me, Tom is the new Charlie.  I have large amounts of unconditional love for that boy.  He didn't have a pen, but he did the gentlemanly thing!  (A man stands up!)  ETA: Nate Corddry was named the IN TV Scene-Stealer in the Shaw Report in 8/13's Entertainment Weekly.  I am catching up on my reading, and I get neat things like this.

So, Sorkin likes his conflicted, complicated relationships.  Dana/Casey, Josh/Donna, Matt/Harriet.  And here's where I'm a little confused: Josh and Donna couldn't be together because it would have been inappropriate considering their jobs.  Sure, they had their issues and differences, but I honestly think that if the characters had not been in the position where dating would have damaged both their careers and the reputation of the President, the writers would have had to come up with some seriously contrived situations to keep them apart.  Dana and Casey had what I always saw as the most complicated relationship.  There was so much history and false steps and other relationships between them that it made all of their hesitance understandable.  (Except, of course, the very obvious six-month issue, which I have yet to come to terms with, and since I haven't finished the series yet, I will refrain from any further comments.)  But as for Matt and Harriet, I have yet to see any good, solid reason for them to be apart other than they hurt each other in the past.  And while I'm not dismissing that, they are so clearly in love with each other.  The entire episode was about how much they are in love with each other.  So, Sorkin, give me a reason to believe that they can keep their hands off each other.  I'm just not seeing it.

And, finally, do you think that maybe some real television executives will watch tonights show and pass on the next obnoxious reality series?  Me neither.

My icon has nothing to do with this post, but a. I have yet to find a Studio 60 icon I really really like, and b. I'm damn excited about this one.  So, PSA folks, go read some Christopher Moore.

studio 60, gip

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