Jul 24, 2009 09:50
She still weighs the same and is the same height. No growth spurts yet.
This last month was the month of teething. She went from 2 bottom teeth to 2 bottom teeth and 4 upper ones. They came in right to left instead of the middle ones first. Now that the teeth are in, she is starting to babble again. Still no words, but she is practicing different sounds. She was doing puhs for awhile and now she had moved on to vuhs (I think she likes how the sounds feel on her lips).
Still about the same on her eating. She is more willing to gnaw on food (especially meat). She pushes any pieces that come off out of her mouth rather than swallowing. But she wasn't even doing that a couple of months ago. She also closely watched me eat and wants to taste/gnaw my food. For actual eating it is still stage 2 purees. She also does not have a very big appetite. SHe dislikes sippy cups, but will drink out of my glass. I just recently got her to accept a sippy cup lid into her mouth but she wont suck. It is the type of sippy cup that does not have the coating that is supposed to be more like a nipple. It also does not have any of the no leak features, so a little liquid does come out when it gets into her mouth.
She is getting close to going mobile. She got up on all fours and rocked back and forth at a friends house last weekend. She will also do this in the crib. She will not do it on our floor or the playmat (the friend has carpet). She does not pull up onto furniture yet, but if I put her in the position, she will support herself on it. She can let go and balance for up to 10 seconds. Some times she manages to stop herself from falling by putting her hands back on the furniture. She can also let go with one hand and turn her upper body so she can look behind her. She will take steps if you support her (she does not let you hold her hands though, you have to hold her under her arms). She continues to sit well. She will stretch and turn in a sitting position to reach things.
Sleeping through the night stopped with the constant teething. Luckily only one other wake up besides the early morning one has been added. She seems genuinely hungry/thirsty during both wakes ups and eats at least 3 ounces at each. Not sure if sleeping with the a/c makes her thirsty. It could also possibly be post nasal drip as she is a little sneezey/itchy during the day (my allergies are killing me and since I am still pumping, I cannot take much of anything). Or she may have just gotten used to the wake up. Once I am sure that she is no longer teething, I will try to sleep train her again. Naps still go well for the most part.
She still loves books. If she gets fussy, a book will chill her out. She will talk to the books with a lot of oohs. She continues to be a people person. Lots of smiles and squeals.
I think that is it for the last month.