May 09, 2009 18:36
Well she actually was 6 months old 2 weeks ago, but her doctor's appointment was one week after that and I was lazy about posting. Plus the o on my laptop it being sticky, which makes typing a pain. So here we go:
She is huge! She now weighs 17 pounds 15.8 ounces (so essentially 18), is 27.25 inches long and has a head circumference of 44 centimeters. This puts her in the 83rd, 92nd, and 86th percentiles among her peers. The most noticeable area of growth is her legs. They have gotten long. She is very healthy, no repeat of the previous intestinal issues.
She can sit with support for long stretches of time. She can only sit without support for very brief periods of time. She will reach for her toys, pick them up, shake them, shew on them and drop them from a sitting position. She also loves to sit in a lap and be read to. She likes playing with the pages. She will try to turn the pages on menus at restaurants. She is very grabby. If you are holding anything she will try to take it. Cell phones hold a definite fascination. She also loves to grab my necklace. She still hates tummy time, although I have made her suffer through it enough that she has started to roll out of it. She still loves to stand. She will try to pick toys up from a standing position and then drop them again (working my arms out so she does not fall). She loves her walker, it makes her s happy to be able to move around the room. She is already chasing the pets. (I have read all the cns on walkers, it makes her happy , we use it in moderation and we make sure she gets plenty of floor time and works her other milestones). She does not seem to be very int solid foods. She still only sleeps in 3 hour increments at night, but she does fall back asleep quickly. She is very much a people person, very smiley and talky. She loves the cats. She pets them and smiles and squeals in delight. She began serious teething on her 6 month birthday. The tooth has not broke through yet, but I think it is very close to doing so. I think that is it for now, plus my time is up.