Brian and Leina's roadtrip - Entry Three

Jun 16, 2006 02:06

June 08 ---

Space Needle day!

Since the monorail was down and will be down for a long time, Brian and I walked over to Seattle Center.

Along the way, we saw this...

this statue is standing on top of a fountain of bear heads.

vomiting bear.

This picture was taken about six blocks away.

a self-pic.

Due to my fooling around with Photoshop to get the exposure in this photo right, the Space Needle really does look like it came from outer space.

We had lunch at SkyCity, the restaurant atop the Space Needle. It does a full rotation in 47 minutes.

WARNING - Food Porn ahead.

strawberry lemonade.

caesar salad.

prime rib.
I had ordered it "medium-rare" for some reason (I usually order it "rare"), but thank goodness it came to the table all juicy. It was damn bloody awesome!

Brian's food and beer. I think he had a chicken sandwich. Those fries were delicious.


What the outside looks like from my seat.

After we finished our meal, we hung out on the observation deck for a bit.

Then it was off to check out the two museums at Seattle Center. The Sci-Fi Museum and the Experience Music Project.

Okay, no pics from either of these because no photography was allowed. Whatev.

The Sci-Fi Museum. Brian pointed out that most of the collection came from "The Paul Allen Family Foundation". Like og Star Trek costumes and sets, T2 props, like really important famous sci-fi stuff came from that one guy's collection. Later on, we found out that Paul Allen is the founder of the museum. Okay, so some Trekkie nerd decided to open up a museum to display his stuff. Get this, despite all the Star Trek exhibits, in that museum's hall of fame, Gene Rodenberry was excluded. What up with that.

EMP. I really liked seeing all those vintage costumes. What amazed me most was seeing a dress worn by Ann Wilson circa 1976, from the Dreamboat Annie and Little Queen eras---I just stood there and stared at it. The history of the electric guitar room was cool. The room dedicated to Jimmy Hendrix was really educational.

On our way back, we checked out a yarn store. Overpriced, but yet I bought a skein of sock yarn.

An interesting window display at an army navy surplus store.

So damn realistic.

Then on to Pike Place Market.

the world-famous piggy bank.

We made it a point to see The Root of All Evil, a.k.a. the first ever Starbucks location.

yep, the original logo had bare breasts.
Nothing else was special about this store.
I bought a mug and Brian bought a cup only because it had the og logo.
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