I really almost thought that Prince of Tennis couldn't get any stranger. However... the preview for episode 11 of the OVA? They're apparently denying anime canon to use manga canon and tell that story about Tezuka in Kyuushu. ... what the heck? O_o I'm kinda curious, in an oh-my-god-that's-going-to-be-a-trainwreck sort of way
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Go go go, you can write that paper!! Is there nothing you can expand on? Or other directions you can go? What's the topic anyway? (Not that I could help you since we have totally different fields of study XD;; I think poli sci makes about sense to me as my bio stuff makes to you. XD;) But still, you never know!!
It's about intellectual property, so you might know more about it than you thought. Basically, I'm arguing that they need to repeal laws that preclude people from inventing new technologies that could theoretically circumvent encryption software used by the recording and film industry. (God, it looks like such a mouthful, but I swear it's not that difficult.) Ummm... science and technology versus the arts, in a nutshell? I'm not sure what else I can say - I just added a full page of complete bull hypothetical political strategies for how you would turn it into law. ^^;;;;;;;
And yeah.. XD ::wants Jade fic::
why isn't there more Jade fic in the fandom?!! D= I love everyone of course so I'm happy with what I can get, but more Jade please!! And more gen too but I'm happier with the amount of gen I find than I thought I'd be. XD
And I dunno ~ Jade seems to get a pretty decent amount of love to me... but then, the fandom's so tiny that really? Everyone needs more love. XDDD There also is a fairly high percentage of gen. I'll admit, the AschxLuke took me by surprise (it shouldn't have, I know, realistically I've been in fandoms for how long?), but there's a decent amount of it. There are actually two long gen fics to follow, which is more than I can say for FFVII! XDD
Meimi's fic is one of the two I was thinking of. The other is Phasis, which is actually Luke/Tear now that I'm looking at it, but so lightly that it might as well be gen ( ... )
...good point. Good het is as hard to find as gen. I automatically skip over stuff with Mary Sues or high school etc. so I never seem to count them. And FF7 and PoT pairing stuff is CRAZY. Please never do that Abyss fandom. ;__; Usually the fandom needs to get pretty big before it gets like that at least. Princess Tutu fandom has stayed small and has reasonable pairing stuff. Still can't find much I feel like reading in it though. XD ( ... )
And true! about Tutu still being sane. Of course, the flip side is that Tutu has next to nothing, and rarely anything worth the read. ^^;;; Ditto for FFX from what little I've read, but maybe I just didn't look hard enough.
... I feel almost guilty because I haven't done any work since the last time I replied to one of your comments. But we shall do this!!! Oh yes!!! STUDY LIKE WOAH~!!!!
I guess you have to take the batshit with the good, huh? ;_; No way to win in fandom~ Someday I want to see if there's some bell-shaped curve when it comes to good vs. bad fics and if size of fandom really does correlate with more bad fic and good fic. Aaand if a small sample size also follows the bell-shaped curve or skews the results one direction or the other. At what sample size would it start following the bell-shaped curve? Could we determine a optimal fandom size where you get a good amount of good fics with a reasonable amount of crazy?
I think I'm going to stab myself now for typing that.
WE CAN DO EET!! (but instead I'm writing replies and eating pringles XD)
I've wondered about that, too. The only problem is that I worry that respondents to any polls wouldn't take it seriously because... geez... it's fandom, and that kinda says it all.
And please don't stab yourself for thinking about that. It's interesting, even if stats as a class kinda sucks.
GO WORK!!! ::shooes you towards your books and reaches for her own::
YAY GO US FOR REALS! No more replying, really XD; Bye~~~
And let's not talk about how many words in this comment I've managed to misspell and correct so far. I'm tired, yay bed! Page and a half of the second paper of doom written, with 18 hours to go! Woohoo~!!! Good luck with studying!!!! ♥ Bye~!!! ♥
Ok, neuro lecture #9 of 11, it's just you and me. Bring it on.
So good~!!! ^_^
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