I would very much like to know what I did to deserve Atobe-muse. I can picture him in my mind's eye, laughing at me as he shouts, "It's all about Ore-sama!" The worst part is that he's kinda right at the moment, because he keeps taking over the logical half of my mind. I barely managed to avoid snickering in Econ today when I suddenly had a vision of Atobe using the concepts we were talking about to talk about Tezuka, which then turned into a fic idea, as such things are wont to do. Statistics? Oh no, why would I want to learn about those (and, okay, so the class is at about 5th grade level at the moment so it's not that big a deal) when I could draw graphs illustrating Atobe's thoughts?
He's an evil little brat. I don't even particularly LIKE his character!!! ;_; So WTF is with me writing mainly Atobe-centric PoT ficcage? I do NOT understand. ;_; ::sigh::
And then it got worse, because his little bunny went and cuddled with one of the other bunnies, and you *know* what happens when the bunnies get together!!! ((Surprisingly, in this case, they have reduced one another to a single if massive bunny... bunny canibalism?))
Now for something completely random!
My Personality Neuroticism
76Openness To Experience
35 Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report MySpace Surveys,
Bebo and
MySpace Layouts by Pulseware
Survey Software So, homework then fic? We likes this plan. ^.^