FullMetal Alchemist Recs

Dec 26, 2005 21:01

Branch, Air Feeds Fire and Circumstances, at http://www.scimitarsmile.com/alchemy/02_branch.php and Ever at http://www.branchandroot.net/archive/?p=37

Air Feeds Fire - The first part of this fic gets me every time, in a stabbing pain sort of way, and the rest of it follows the trend. Set during / post episode seven, in which “Edward Elric was not crying.”

Circumstances - It starts as a crackish meta fic. Then, when everyone had their backs turned and wasn’t paying attention, it suddenly got plot, with Roy teaching Ed about what he plans to do and gaining his help and trust. RoyEd.

Ever - Ever is an AU ending to FMA in which Al gets his body back through unspecified means that nevertheless leave both Ed and Roy completely in tact. Things get interesting when Ed makes a deal with Mustang to learn how to manipulate others so that he himself can no longer be manipulated... RoyEd, eventually.

Girl_starfish, Happy Families, at http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=girl_starfish&keyword=Happy+Families&filter=all

Happy Families - This AU fic sets the FMA characters in 1920s England. It’s apparently tied to some Agatha Christie work, though not in ways that are necessarily obvious or concrete. It’s a mystery! ^.^ It’s also one of the first FMA fics I read, and is still one of the best.

Henrika, Pulling Rank, at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2572706/1/

Pulling Rank - An adorable one-shot in which Ed and Havoc fight about just who is in charge.

Hime1999, Alter!Series, at http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=alter_series

Alter!Series - This series is actually written by several authors, but the primary idea belongs to Hime, as does all of the official (and beautiful!!!) artwork. I can’t describe it without spoiling things massively, so wait until you’ve watched episode 51 and then go read it.

Jaelle, Unapproved Project, at http://www.scimitarsmile.com/alchemy/02_jaelle.php

Unapproved Project - Oh dear, someone has come to check on what sort of research Ed and Al are doing, and Roy can’t persuade them that there’s no need to do so? The Elrics want to show the man their work? Oh dear!!! It’s absolutely hysterical, great for when you need a laugh, and completely spoiler-free.

Kaltia, Enjambment, at http://www.livejournal.com/users/ishnaru/27562.html

Enjambment - I really don’t like Elricest. This is the fic that convinced me it didn’t all deserve to be burned as an eyesore. After all, who’d expect the famous deceased Edward Elric in a dump like Rulingrad?

Mikkeneko, Only Family, at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2119450/1/

Only Family - Is absolutely adorable. To avoid spoilers, here’s the official summary: A man and his son out on a simple shopping trip. What’s wrong with this picture?

Shimegami-chan, Lemon Tea, at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2108204/1/

Lemon Tea - A one-shot Royai fic set during Roy and Riza’s time in basic training. It’s simply delicious.

Sky_dark, Roy Mustang: Sex Ed Teacher and Better Living Through Alchemy, at http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=sky_dark&keyword=Better+Living+Through+Alchemy&filter=all

RM: SET and BLTA - BLTA is actually the sequel to RM: SET, and the links to all of RM: SET can be found in the prologue of BLTA. This fic is a rare gem because it starts with a relatively innocent Ed learning some facts of life from the great Roy Mustang, and continues through and past the end of the actual FMA series, movie included. Stunningly well written, with long chapters that always brighten my day just by existing. RoyEd.

Sleeps with Coyotes, Altered States, at http://archive.toukakoukan.com/yaoi/title/alteredstates/alteredstates.html

Altered States - What if there was another way to make the Philosopher’s Stone, a way without a cost that should never be paid? RoyEd, NC-17

Spades44, Comfort, at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2074450/1/

Comfort - Don’t quite know what it is about this fic that makes me like it so much, but it’s one of the classic RoyEd stories, in my opinion. Turns out Roy isn’t quite as old as he seems…

Suppi-chan, One Step Closer, at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1721263/1/

One Step Closer - A one-shot genfic that gets me every time. It’s brilliant in it’s simplicity, and has a wonderful version of fatherly!Roy.

Tir Synni, Sick Leave, at http://www.livejournal.com/users/tir_synni/72110.html

Sick Leave - Absolutely brilliant RoyEd fic about Ed finally growing up. It is the first and only fic I’ve seen to date that considers a certain aspect of just what that would mean for Ed, aside from finally being a bit taller. As an idle aside, if you’re looking for any intra-FMA pairing involving Ed, be sure to check her archive for the Slut!Ed verse.

Vikki, Learning Curve, at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2076917/1/

Learning Curve - Well, it’s love if only because it’s a Roy vs. Ed in chess fic, and that’s awesome to big with, but I love the way she writes, which makes it even better. ^.^

recs, fma

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