Jan 19, 2005 23:54

I don't understand where this came from. Really I don't. However, on principle I blame ladylore because yeah... she sends bunnies after me. Has been giving them my address, even. XD

This is set in hime1999's Alter!Series, specifically in icedark_elf's House of Smex. Yeah. That about says it all.


Ed was the center of what held them together. The short, hyperactive blond had drawn them together in ways intangible and yet more solidly real then any of them had ever thought possible. Riza knew this, as she knew the others all did, though she suspected herself to be the only one honest enough with herself to admit it.

Riza had always known that Roy Mustang dominated her life. She would willingly die, give up everything, if it meant his safety. He’d had only one flaw in her eyes, aside from his remarkable procrastination when it came to paperwork, and the women had been it. Then Ed had come back, and for a day or two Riza couldn’t stop herself from wondering if the women hadn’t been better, much though she thought the younger man both attractive and a good choice for the colonel as such choices went. Joining them had been a privilege she’d never dreamed possible, though she occasionally found herself wondering if calling it a lapse of sanity would be more accurate.

Discovering that the other two were involved had been quite the shock at first for Riza. Ichiro… Ichiro was a version of Roy she could look at without being forced to remember her failures, a version of what could have been in a kinder world. The man himself, his complete devotion to Ed, heck, even just his looks - he was a very attractive man. After all, having committed to a threesome, Riza figured a foursome shouldn’t bother her. Making it a fivesome, though, and an incestuous one at that… if Alphonse hadn’t been so damn understanding of her, or so completely cute and loveable without even trying… well, maybe she didn’t mind so much after all.

Yes, Ed really was at the center of it all, Riza reflected as she watched her other lovers sneak towards the man with the ponytail who had once again buried himself in a book. Roy sat down in front of Ed, shoving his book out of the way before drawing Ichiro down for a long kiss in front of him as Alphonse restrained Ed from attacking. Riza snaked herself gracefully between Al and the chair in which he was containing his older brother, throwing her arms around the younger Elric brother’s neck and tuning out the elder’s irritated shouts.

After all… just because *they* knew their world revolved around Ed didn’t mean *he* had to know.

hos, a!s, fma, fanfic

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