Tagged. XD

Jun 11, 2005 23:44

So someone (*coughcough* Greed! *coughcough*) finally hit me up for it on this journal. Alas.

List 6 favorite songs of the moment, then tag 6 people to do it.

1) Luv & Joy ~ that FB AMV ^^;;;;;
2) Rough Draft ~ Yellowcard
3) Sympathy ~ Goo Goo Dolls
4) If You Were Gay ~ Avenue Q
5) Sound of Snow Falling ~ RuroKen
6) Defying Gravity ~ Wicked

And for those who will be subjected to it:

1) forgottenlover
2) naifun
3) skyler_dark
4) akira_chan
5) lithele
6) ladylore

And Yes, Sa, I know you did it already ~ but it's been a couple of weeks, and it says current. ^.~ ::evil grin::

And in completely unrelated news, for anyone who's wondering, I'm settling into Beijing just fine. With the notable exception of a few weeks in August, I will in fact have steady internet access, too. ^_^ How much I'll be on is debatable ~ I mean, c'mon, how often am I gonna be in Beijing? O_o But I'll be floating around. It's really cool here. Well, hot, actually, weather-wise, but you know what I mean!!! XD I'm going to die from the amount of studying we're doing, though. We arrived Friday ~ we haven't had an actual class yet ~ and our first quiz is tomorrow morning on material I've never seen before. So yeah. XDD It'll be good, though. ^_^
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