(FMA) Touch the Stars Part II

Dec 31, 2004 00:38

Previous part can be found here.

Title: Touch the Stars
Part: Two
Spoilers: Timeline is still amorphous, but to be safe I'm waving a 51+ flag
Pairings: Still Nothing definitive, though I'm fighting the Roy/Ed vibe it's poking me with.
Warnings: AU - not sure from when - - I need to set the timeline definitively before I even start waving my AU flag... but better safe than sorry, ne?

“…there some other way?” That voice - he knew that voice, he was certain of it. His muscles tensed involuntarily as he struggled to quash the urge to harm the speaker before he determined who it was and why he should so arbitrarily feel violent towards them.

“I’m afraid this is for the best. His condition is touch and go at best, if he tears those stitches again…” Hmm, this one was unfamiliar. The voice’s cool professionalism irritated Ed, and he shifted restlessly, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to ignore the two and go back to sleep.

Ed moved back and forth a little bit before deciding that lying on his back had become distinctly uncomfortable. Ignoring the slight haze still fogging his mind, Ed turned casually onto his side - at least, that was what he intended to do. The blonde shifted several times, trying to get his body to move, before at last the cloud gave way and he realized his arms had been trapped to their respective sides of the bed. His eyes shot open.

The Colonel stood at the foot of his bed, watching him carefully as he had been every time so far. Bastard. A soft click echoed in the small room, and as Ed couldn’t see anyone else in the room, he assumed it had been the doctor leaving. He had to give him credit, really - it took a certain something to glare as sternly at someone in a hospital bed as you would at someone standing in your office after a particularly earth - shattering mission. Ed tugged helplessly at the leather bands binding his wrists to the protective bars on his bed, trying to figure out the best way to get them to release him.

“That won’t work, Fullmetal.” The colonel said as he strode casually around the side of the bed. “The bonds have been alchemically fused closed. I trust even you are intelligent enough to realize that short of someone placing chalk in your hand -“

“Who’re you calling super hyper uber short like a bean?” Ed protested, straining against the pleasant lack of awareness that seemed unusually clingy and the ties binding him. Mustang gracefully drew a chair up to the side of his bed and slipped nonchalantly into it. Ed glared at the man, eyebrows furrowing as his lips became a thin narrow line. After a moment of silence, Ed continued quietly, “What’s going on?”

“Stop struggling and maybe I’ll tell you.” The older man replied, giving Ed a look that declared to all and sundry that he could wait all day but that he would be obeyed before he would continue.

The colors in the room became slowly sharper, and it seemed an equivalent trade for that and the information to be still. He leaned restlessly against the pillows, muscles remaining taut even as he feigned relaxation. Mustang watched him as he shifted in an attempt to become more comfortable, waiting until he was completely settled before speaking.

“Approximately one week ago, you were found unconscious and seriously injured, with your missing limbs restored.” The colonel began, speaking slowly and carefully. “Since that time, the military has been attempting both to save your life and to locate your younger brother. Thus far, neither effort seems to have succeeded.”

“Al… where’s Al?” Edward started, and would likely have continued - save for the fact that a gloved hand covered his mouth and prevented him from doing so.

“Do NOT panic, Fullmetal. That’s an order.” The older man said sternly, freezing his body ramrod straight. Ed looked into his eyes, and found to his surprise that an extra emotion tinged the warning he had expected to find there. Deliberately, he inhaled and then exhaled once, twice. The rough touch of the glove removed itself.

“At this time, we do not know what has become of Alphon -" Roy continued.

“I have to go look for him!” Ed yelled, commencing his struggles against the bonds that held him once more.

“FULLMETAL!” Roy shouted angrily, hands reaching out to grab the boy’s shoulders. A brief shake later, and the motion of the young man halted even as his eyes darted wildly about the room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All right, so here's my question. I have two possible explanations for where Al is, and I need to pick one. One of those choices will *likely* make this a short and rather depressing story. The other choice will *likely* make it a longer but potentially happier story. Anyone have a preference one way or the other?

fluff, fma, fanfic

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