From #qc

Aug 12, 2005 01:37

(01:33:58) Andross: FACT: the hair from one cubic foot of Robin Williams' back could clothe all of South America
(01:34:22) Andross: and still have enough left to make hats for the population of Bangladesh
(01:34:28) Lane: FICTION: A gorilla is harier than Robin Williams.
(01:34:48) Andross: seriously
(01:35:46) Andross: FACT: Wookiee ladies have a serious hard on for Robin Williams
(01:36:03) Lane: hahaha.
(01:36:05) Andross: they dig that whole 'unkempt' look
(01:36:24) Lane: FACT: Robin Williams is harier than a french hooker.
(01:36:31) Andross: on another note, I am wearing my 'The Saddest Wookiee' shirt
(01:36:33) Andross: hmm
(01:36:37) Andross: that's pushing it
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