
Oct 27, 2005 12:06

I have finally set teh cruise control on school, normally its done liek 2 week sinto school but this year is cool, i lveo ahrd classes, i actaulyl ahev to apy attention. Besides Coll Chem, that crap is gay. I fell asleep for the alst 4 days adn picked on susan and john, and i tried for 1 day (today) to figure it out and had it in liek 5 minutes. THATNX JOHN, lolz i asked ihm liek 4 Q's then i understood it all. And i swear we have rocket scientists in that classroom, lolz its funny. adn david osher is gay. uh, im tlaking with thsi girl named emily, shes cool. i still ahve to meet her, lolz, im so lame. i need a halloween costuem i was hgonan be a keg but my apretns wouldnt let me, it had a tap adn a real beverage dispner and everything! Well, hockey starts monday, i hate preseason, conditioning fin blows! E-Ball starst tonight, great times. Uh, comment if u read all this crap. Frenhc is sweeet... BALEIEN DE TERRE my tee shirt reads. SAWEET! j'adore ma petite-souer, je ne la regarde pas beacoup :(
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