Scott Cunningham - Wicca - "A guide for the solitary practioner" Marian Green - "A witch alone" Colin Wilson - "The Occult" I'm thinking about buying
Christopher Penczak's "A Witch's Shield" and
Raymond Buckland's "Book of Spirit Communications". If you're wondering why, please read this thread for further information:
The story about my "room mate" First of all: I mention these books, because after I've read them I will write a review with a rating at the end.
And second I hope to find others to get in touch with and discuss these books about their quality.
If there are any germans out there, I would be very happy, too.
Some months ago I was sleeping in my bed... and woke up, I looked into the mirror which is on the other side of the room... and I saw this thing, in a dark cloak... starring at me ... like it was looking after me... checking something.... then it nodded and went away... from one side of the mirror to the other ...and vanished.
Since then, there are some days or nights like this... where I try to hang something over the mirror... to get some sleep.
I don't know if I'm going mad or if it's stress or something.
The only thing I know is that it haunts me. And there several occasions where I had a similiar experience like this...
for example today:
My boyfriend and me where watching TV, when I saw that a pale woman went through the glass of the winter garden door, holding for a second and then passing by into the hall.
And the creepy thing is, that I'm not alone, my boyfriend has had such experiences in the past, even in my house.
What can I do against that? Should I be proud of such a thing? Or should I light a candle?
Is there anything I can do?
I didn't made seances or something in the past. I never did!
Everything was alright, till that thing appeared in my mirror.