(no subject)

May 30, 2005 13:50

Tranvix Sha-Tak (TST)

a Tranvix Sha-Tak is a warrior-poet, well versed in the rich traditional Tranvix culture and art. Generally only the most charimatic of all tranvix even attempt to become Sha-Taks, and very few succede.

BAB +5
Preformance 10 ranks
skill focus preform
must be tranvix, half-tranvix, or technically Tranvix

Hit die: d8
Skill points per lvl 4+ int mod
Skills: Preform, swim, craft, profession, knowledge: arcane, knowledge:history, discipher script, speak language, intimidate, diplomacy, bluff

1: Bardic Knowledge, Beat by beat (+1, power)
3:Beat by beat(+2)
5:Beat by beat (Glory)
6:Beat by beat (+3)
8:Beat by beat (Attak)
9:Beat by beat (+4)
10:Beat by beat (Brute, Virus)

Bardic knowledge: as per bard, stacks with bard lvls for purposes of lvl.

Beat by beat: effects status of all allies within 300 ft. Power: bonus to saves. Glory: bonus to AC. Attak: self explanitory. Brute: attack and dmg roles. Virus: penalty to enemies saves, ac, attack and damage roles (pick one) +# bonus or penalty used with other beat by beat abilities. Only one beat by beat ability may be used at one time.
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