Mar 22, 2005 17:55
Update 3/24/05, adding light description, cleric training, quests, prayers, temples, rites, relics
Mistress of the Winds, the Divine Mother
Greater Diety
Freya is a kind and loving goddess, but will send cold winds to smite evil when she is forced to. Her Children, the Aiverly, follower her teachings exclusivly. She appears as a tall Avierly with long cyan hair and cold blue eyes.
Symbol: *in progress*
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Healing, Love, Wind, Aiverly
Worshippers: Aiverly,
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG
Domains: Air, Healing, Chaos, Good, +1 more
Favored Weapon: a halfspear
Cleric Training: Freyan clerics spend most of their training time on the demiplace of serenity with the high clerics of the order. After basic training has passed, every cleric must travel the material plane for at least three years, righting wrongs and healing the sick.
Quests: Besides the three years required of all clerics, many of the quests thats Freya assigns involve going around a grief stricken area helping people.
Prayers: Freyan prayers always begin with "Merciful Goddess"
Temples: Freyan temples dot small villages allong the forgotten coast, with the main temple is located on the demiplane of serenity. These temples are normally small white marble platforms open to the air.
Rites: Freyan rites are a simple thing. Small chanting, light inscense burning, and syncronis wing flapping are are sterotypical parts of rights.
Relics: Hurricane spear, Healing Guantlets
The Great Serpent, Eternal General
Greater Diety
Symbol: a snake eye wreathed in flames
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Fire, Wars, Tranvix, Order
Worshippers: Armies, Tranvix
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE
Domains: War, Fire, Law, Strength, Inquizition
Favored Weapon: ViperBlade
Cleric Training: Clerics of Seth go through the same martial training as every other warrior of seth, but they must pass the trials of the temple at Yasalcyr. These trials are difficult and require brains, cunning, and strength.
Quests: any quest of Seth involves some form of conquest or war game.
Prayers: All prayers begin with [the flames, war, strength, the great serpetn] will [action]
Temples: Temples of Seth are in the great underground cities of the Tranvix. All warring armies carry a small shrine with them at all times. Impliments of battle and great bonfires are present in all of them
Rites: Clerics of Seth preform various rites, most are solem and many involve the cutting of the palm.
Relics: Serpent's Fang, Shield of Fire.
the Great Sage, Old man of the river
Greater Diety
Symbol: a crashing wave imposed on a book
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Knowledge, Magic
Worshippers: Humans, wizards, seamen, sages
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, N, CN, NE
Domains: Magic, Water, Oracle, Knowledge, Mind
Favored Weapon: Quaterstaff
Cleric Training: Most of Thaosyrian Cleric training is in great libraries of near forgotten knowledge
Quests: Retriving lost lore and counceling nobles are common quests
Prayers: Most prayers begins with [noun] is [assesment] such as a common prayer "ignorance is folly"
Temples: Temples of Thaosyr are generally seaside estates with a basement that connects to the ocean. Great aquariums fill the main floor and a library is always somewhere on the grounds.
Rites: many Thaosyrian rites are preformed by inscribing runes in the sands of a beach.
Relics: Tome of Limitless knowledge, Amulet of the sea
the Eternal Hatred, Stone-Heart
Greater Diety
Symbol: a hammer crushing a skull
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Destruction, Earth, Goliaths, Slaughter, Greed
Worshippers: Evil fighters/barbarians, Goliaths
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE
Domains: Earth, Chaos, Destruction, Domination, Greed
Favored Weapon: Greathammer