Warhammer FB возвращается?

Nov 16, 2019 11:56

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Posted 15/11/2019

Old World? New Warhammer!!
You’ll never believe what we’re working on. The Studio had to tell us twice.

Yeah. For really reals.

In the deepest dungeons of the Warhammer Studio, the counsel of the wise have convened, ancient forges have been re-lit and work has already begun. So far… we’ve made the logo.

Next up, everything else.

You get the idea - this is a long way off. Years. More than two. Like three or more. Definitely not soon.

Obviously, this is really exciting news for all of us, and just like with Sisters of Battle, we’ll keep you updated with more news as the project unfolds.

For those of you who don’t know, in 2015, Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles changed forever, in so far as Archaon destroyed the world. Classic Archaon.

Everything we knew of the Old World collapsed into a void of Chaos and infinite possibility. From that tumultuous storm came the Mortal Realms, heralding a new dawn of unending war in the Age of Sigmar.

From the reforged primordial soup and etheric energies of the Old World rose wonders we could never have imagined - armies of ghosts, fleets of aether-powered aircraft, Greenskin brutes the size of horses, and flying sharks! The heroes, villains, warriors and monsters of Warhammer Age of Sigmar represent the best range of fantasy miniatures in the world, beloved of a passionate, global gaming community. And over the past four years, Warhammer Age of Sigmar has become by far, the most successful fantasy game ever.

And yet, the Old World whispers from ages past with its siren song. We grow misty-eyed at the memory of long-lost heroes and glorious kingdoms laid to ruin and of mighty champions whose sagas are sung no more.

And of course, much of the lore of the Mortal Realms has its roots in the world that was - with some of its most venerable denizens being the very same that fought across those war-torn kingdoms (along with a small selection of choice magical artefacts.)

The Old World is to Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as the Horus Heresy is to Warhammer 40,000. The bedrock of lore from which mortals rose to godhood and legends were forged. And like the Horus Heresy, seeing those mythic heroes in action has an undeniable appeal, as does re-creating the glorious armies of a previous epoch - an exciting proposition for hobbyists and gamers alike. And now, we have a dedicated team in the Warhammer Studio beginning the work of bringing all that awesome back to the tabletop.

Exciting stuff!

If you’re itching to jump into the Old World right now, you can! There is a fantastic selection of computer games, such as Vermintide and Total War: Warhammer, offering a chance to engage in the enduring appeal of the setting.

And what next, then, for Warhammer Age of Sigmar?

There are some HUGE (some might say giant) plans for the Mortal Realms… More news soon. For now, we have to keep it hysh-hysh.

Ссылка: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/15/old-world-new-warhammer/

В тот же день канал The Station выпустил новостной ролик, разъясняющий полуграмотному быдлу поленившимся вникнуть в текст, о чём идёт речь в новости.

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Признаюсь, что возрождения именно настольной ВахиФБ я не ожидал.
Большую надежду на возрождение подавал в своё время Warhammer Online. Сам ныл на эту тему в своё время. И Ваха на компьютере получила вторую жизнь! Проект Return of Reckoning успешно существует и по нынешний день.

В немного видоизменённом виде вернулась та самая, до боли знакомая с 90-х, надпись, ради которой скупал коробки и блистеры в последние месяцы.
Теперь силуэты в надписи стали видны отч0тливо! Насыщенно бронзово-золотой цвет стал поблекшим, потускневшим, что символизирует.

Стало быть, история с " Warhammer жил, Warhammer жив, Warhammer будет жить" вновь получила продолжение!

Таки наныли!!1 XD Ура, имперцы!
Генералам -- достать мобилизационные планы! Магам -- достать свитки! Воинствующим священникам -- достать фолианты! Капитанам -- произвести строевой смотр! Флагеллантам -- амнистия! Рыцарям -- начистить доспехи и седлать коней! Пикинеры, мечники, аркебузеры -- строимся в походную колонну! Танк -- выкатить из ангара! Пушку -- на передок! Пистольеры -- в боевом охранении! Мы идём на войну!

warhammer, видео

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