Jun 04, 2004 14:58
hey its a continuance! ok so josh calls me on monday and basically told me that apparently my friends are more important than him and that i treated him like crap and always ignored him and yeah. so i went to club he called me back and i told him yeah my friends are more important. afterall THEY were there first. he said but im your boyfriend, and i said yeah so? theyre my friends they are always gonna be there and youre not. then he said well i want to work things out do you and i said i wasnt for sure so he said well im not gonna be the bad guy this time and break up with you so if you wanna work it out then ok. but im not gonna be the bad guy. the next day just as i was about to call him he called me and said he doesnt think it will work out and i was like well duh! and he goes whats that supposed to mean? and i replied well i've been wanting to break up for a while you can ask anyone so yeah its FINE with me. then he pulled that well obviously you dont care b.s. and i was like hmm ok w.e. then we got off the phone. well thursday after graduation we had a movie night and i got to sit by andrew and he had his arm around me!! then that saturday we hung out and he held my hand and then the next wed, he told me that were better as friends right now. but yeah pretty much that was all for amber whore. so now today i have a boyfriend, and SURPRISE!!its daren again, which is cool. but im not too sure im completely over andrew the thing. :S but yeah chase and ash ov, broke up which really got to chase.i feel bad for him but josh and her are back together so its kinda like the rainbow after the storm. because josh will leave me alone!! hallejiuah!! but yeha its all gravy and yeah i havent heard from josh in like a record THREE days!!! thats the longest he hasnt talked/called me all summer!! as mom says count your blessings. well ive gotta jet for now ttyl
quote of the day- sometimes you have to put up with a little rain to get a rain.. WELL GUESS WHAT?!?! i got a bunch of calls from josh earlier in the summer, they RAINED down on me. but i got peace now and the rainbow is a symbol of peace. hahahahah de