Writing Update and Three Terrific SPN Recs

Jul 14, 2009 14:06

Yayz! My Bones Big Bang- a story I started at least two years ago, will be done for beta and artwork by August 1st. Angel/Buffy FutureFic, "Second Skin" is still giving me fits. I'm a'whacking my way through to a new ending, though :sigh:

I exceeded my original fic New Year's Resolutions for short stories and have written, count 'em, six!! Two past my goal. My girls are going to school in August (:criesalittle: I've homeschooled them for years. Linds is headed to high school, Lace is determined not to stay home with me by herself, so we found her a little school that's as close to homeschooling at school one can get), so I WILL bang out at least a short novel before the year is up :-)

I've been critiquing/judging for a national original fic writing contest this spring and wow. Eye-opening. And I'm like a crack!addict every time I pull a manila envelope containing manuscripts outta the mailbox, hustling back inside and ripping it open with glee. It's been very, very educational for me, and I get feedback on my critiques to boot :-)

I was rec'cing a fanfic to starlet2367 and we were talking POV and she said, you should pop that up on LJ- so here 'tis: Both starlet2367 and I are structure whores and POV ravens. Head hopping drives us both nuts. You see it. You see in fanfics and original and plenty of published fic, but unless it's done well, it's just soooo damn annoying.

So, if you'd like an example of head-hopping POV done very, very well, try reading this NCIS/SPN crossover: eighth_horizon's Volatile Compounds and it's very short and awesome epilogue. I only have a passing knowledge of NCIS and starlet2367 hasn't seen much of SPN. So, as long as you know one or the other, you're good. Genfic, casefic, Sam and Dean and the entire NCIS crew. eighth_horizon does an excellent job of tying her POV transitions to dialogue in such a way that I didn't even notice the switches for nearly two pages, which, for me, is amazing :grins: Everyone's in character, there's no real spoilers, and the case is great.

And here's one I've been meaning to rec for a couple of weeks: baroqy's Defining Normal. Also SPN genfic, casefic, Sam, Dean, Bobby, a great, older OFC, an irritable little girl (a kid Dean can't handle!), and one *nasty* spirit. baroqy does an absolute stellar job of giving us Dean in a way the show kinda skipped- think Dean after "Family Matters" AND gives us a terrific look into Sam's view of S4 Dean and why he proceeds as he does in S4. Spoilers for S4. Dean whumpage.

One last rec- cause, y'know, Dean's can't control his mouth- except when he can :-) By Drive verse writer, roque-clasique, In Restless Dreams I Walk Alone is simply fun until it's not and oh, Dean. Stunning graphics posted within the fic are by the very talented animotus.

Off to Johnson City, TN to take the girls to see Harry Potter - and wow- it's running time is very long!

supernatural, rec, writing, girls, starlet

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