Dec 21, 2004 03:32
Hey all.
Well, I did not do anything productive today. I went to eat with Andrew at Sagebrush. It was good. Then I came back home. Samantha called and we talked for about an hour. We haven't really done that in a while. It felt good. Anyway, now, my nephew, Marty is spending the night. Oh Joy!...(not). Oh well, that's about it. I need to remember to go to the Democratic HQ tomorrow (actually today) to pick up my Christmas decorations from the party. I also need to go to the post office to buy more stamps. I'm sure that will be a mad house. Oh well, I'm up for a challenge, I guess. I am beginning to hate this whole break thing. It's sad, but I'd rather be at TC. But, I would get there, and no one would be there because everyone is stuck at home being as bored as I am. Then, that would suck. Ho-hum. I have got to find SOMETHING...ANYTHING to occupy my time here. It's so boring, I find myself staying up reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally late, like 5 or 6, then not getting up until 2 or 3. That's horrible. I have to get outta that habit, as I have a morning class next block. Eek! Environmental Science. But, from what I've heard, the guy I have, Prof.(Dr.?) Barnett, is one of the best. Hope so. I need an A after the C+ from Pope. Anything that will bring my GPA back up!!!!! Wow, this has turned into a pretty long post. I didn't intend for that to happen. But, I find myself thinking of more things to say and rambling on, kinda like I am now. So, I guess this is where the train ends. It's been a fun ride. Hope to see you again sometime. soon. very soon. Okay, that's enough, I'm out.