buffy & angel gifs

Nov 06, 2010 11:25

Here's a whole bunch of random Buffy & Angel gifs I've made over the last couple of months.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- 2.15 "Phases" - "Oh, don't worry. I mean, they might not look it, but bunnies can really take care of themselves."
- 2.15 "Phases" - Oz fixes Willow's tag
- 2.17 "Passion" - Buffy & Giles: "Are you trying to get yourself killed?! You can't leave me. I can't do this alone."
- 4.01 "The Freshman" - Giles is here to help
- 5.02 "The Real Me" - LOL
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Buffy: "Why do I even bother to show up?"
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Spike: "Oh, I saw that."
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Spike makes a dramatic exit
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Spike gets comfortable
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Spike has a bad dream
- 5.02 "The Real Me" - Buffy's punching bag
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Spike kisses Buffy
- 5.04 "Out of My Mind" - Buffy kisses Spike
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Buffy is crying
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - what.
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - playing chicken
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Buffy "What are you doing?!"
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Spike comforts Buffy. It's awkward.
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Spike's slow-mo walk
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Spike's slow-mo walk (haters gonna hate)
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Spike's slow-mo close up
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Spike throwing a punch
- 5.07 "Fool For Love" - Spike is dissed & dismissed
- 5.12 "Checkpoint" - Anya: "Customers! Please bring your money back!"
- 5.12 "Checkpoint" - Buffy is bored
- 5.12 "Checkpoint" - Tara/Willow: "IDEK!"
- 5.12 "Checkpoint" - Glory: "Oooh, I like her! She's sassy! ...And I'm gonna kill her."
- 5.18 "Intervention" - Giles performs the ritual: "And that's what it's all about."
- 6.03 "Flooded" - Giles & Buffy hug
- 6.22 "Grave" - Giles & Buffy: "You cut your hair!"

- 2.02 "First Impressions" - Wes & Angel: "Hop on board, gorgeous."
- 2.04 "Untouched" - Cordy: "You can't fire me, I'm vision girl." :P
- 4.16 "Players" - Gwen is struck by lightning
- 4.16 "Players" - Charles Gunn is a GQMF
- 4.18 "Shiny Happy People" - Fred tries to kill Jasmine
- 4.18 "Shiny Happy People" - Fred cries
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordelia & Angel hug
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordelia & Angel kiss
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: "SHOPPING!"
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - "I'm Cordelia Chase."
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: "I want to see a lawyer."
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: I can't
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: memories
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: wtf?
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: "Oh, crap."
- 5.12 "You're Welcome" - Cordy: "Oh, and you're welcome."

angel, buffy the vampire slayer

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