Sarah awakes from a very sore and very involuntary nap, the sort that results from hitting one's head, to find herself lying in the grass. Strange, because she could have sworn she had been in her bedroom. She sits up to gauge her surrounds, eyes fixing on a tall stone wall covered in decaying vines. Actually, it looks sort of like she's just
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Idly, the Goblin King wonders whether this is the real Sarah or simply a creation of the Mistress's imagination. It doesn't matter much here; he's never put much stock in the solidity of reality, and he's hardly about to credit himself for less, simply because he's fictional. Sarah might not think the same, though, and he tucks that away as something to determine. For now, though, it would hardly do to let her get away without at least a welcome party, and in a trice, he's melted into nothing, leaving behind only a shimmer of glitter on ( ... )
"I knew you were behind this," she spits venomously. "What do you want from me this time?"
Sarah can believe him as she likes; Jareth just has one of those faces, as the human saying goes. People rarely trust his intentions even when they are pure, and Sarah has no reason to think him innocent of her sudden, unexpected arrival.
One of his eyebrows lifts, purposefully mild. 'An errant wish, perhaps?' he suggests provocatively. 'You people do so like to bandy them around.'
"Believe me, the last thing I'd do is make a wish that would bring me anywhere near you." She makes to step around him, away from the labyrinth entrance. "Now if you don't mind, I need to find my way home."
'You won't find it walking, precious, and certainly not that way. You know the way to get out of my labyrinth.'
Never mind the fact that the usual rules don't actually apply here. Even if she does run the labyrinth and defeats it, neither he nor the maze itself have any power to send her back into the real world.
"You don't have anything of mine here," she presses on with an overconfident air. She's bluffing, naturally; while she's been careful in the years since not to wish anything into the hands of goblins, she wouldn't put it past Jareth to take her brother from her again anyway. He always did enjoy tailoring the rules of his world to suit his appetites. "I don't have any reason to go in there. I'll find my own way home. Now please get out of my way."
'Sarah, Sarah, Sarah,' he sighs. 'Do you think I'd lie to you? I've never told you anything but the truth; you cannot get out any other way. No matter how hard you stamp your pretty little foot, I'm afraid ( ... )
"What sort of rules?" she asks quite shakily. Once the words are out she rouses a bit, tossing her head to dislodge his fingers, though she takes only a half step back.
'Rules, pet,' he repeats himself. 'You know how they go; invoke the right words, and the world obliges according to the old patterns.' Despite her bid to move away, his hand is still there, hovering by her neck, and now his fingers curl around her chin, exerting gentle, inexorable pressure, bringing her face up to meet his eyes as he invades her space. 'I wish,' he says softly, mockingly, 'you would take Toby away, right now ( ... )
"You have no power over me," she says, with an obstinate raise of her chin. "You haven't taken anything from me, and I'll make sure you never will."
'That may have worked three years ago, but as I say-' The fingers grasping her face tighten for a moment before he lifts his hands, rolling his wrists in an elaborate, expansive gesture to indicate the world around them. 'Things are different here. And as for what I can and cannot take from you... well, one does so hate to be premature about these things.'
This chance encounter is nothing, after all, if not the perfect opportunity to demand reparation for his humiliation and defeat of three years previous. Not that he'll be demanding anything, really; this time, he thinks, he'll take the subtle approach.
While naturally distrustful of anything he says, his insistence that the rules have changed catches her notice, and her eyes narrow sharply and lock on to his, her fear momentarily suspended. She doesn't expect an honest answer from a man (a generous term) who breathes deception, and she let's him clearly hear the skepticism in her tone.
"What sort of rules?"
His voice is mild, and he turns away from her, trailing fingertips gloved in dove-grey fawnskin over the nearest wall. 'The walls, the sky, the earth beneath your feet?' To further illustrate his words, he sinks gracefully into a quick crouch, pinching some of the fine soil between his fingers, letting it fall away as he rises in a breath of dust and glitter.
'Does it all look the same as you recall it to be?'
She answers hastily, but looks uncertain even as she says it. In truth, if she is basing her answer on looks alone, it might not be the same labyrinth at all - or perhaps the same one, but centuries older (or perhaps younger, knowing how the usual rules can be disregarded here); a plaintive victim of the tides of time, left to shift and change at his will. But it feels like her labyrinth, the way a familiar place might look different in a dream, but she instinctively knows where she is. She used to dream of the labyrinth after leaving it, but it always looked the same and was never this vivid.
"Well, not exactly the same, but it is, isn't it? Why else would you be here?"
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