Sarah awakes from a very sore and very involuntary nap, the sort that results from hitting one's head, to find herself lying in the grass. Strange, because she could have sworn she had been in her bedroom. She sits up to gauge her surrounds, eyes fixing on a tall stone wall covered in decaying vines. Actually, it looks sort of like she's just
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"Sarah. And I thought I knew where I was but-" she takes another look around "-this isn't the place at all."
"A-ha!" comes the somewhat incongruous exclamation. "I knew I wasn't going mad. Bit more cheeky than the Dark Tower, this place. Come along, then. D'you know which way you came from? I could probably feel my way to the TARDIS, in a certain respect, but it wouldn't do to leave you stranded, would it? We'll find you a way out to the gardens proper, and you can run along home from there, I suggest- you look absolutely peaked, poor thing."
As he speaks, he's turned on his heel to have a good look at the wall one way and another, approaching it at either side of the opening to lay his cheek against it for a moment, before striding into the opening without looking behind to see if she'll follow. Odd man, he.
"Hey- hey wait up! Look, I can't go home from here. I'm not even sure I'm in the same..." reality? "" She tries to capture his attention when she catches up, taking in the interrior of the maze as an afterthought. It doesn't look exactly the same as she remembers, but it had been three years previous and she'd spent half that time thinking it had been some kind of dream or hallucination; none of her friends had returned to take her back, after all. Maybe it still is a dream. She rubs her head, looking for a bump, and mutters more to herself and the maze than to him, "This has got to be a dream."
"What d'you mean you can't go home?" he admonishes briskly. "You've come from there, haven't you? There's always a way." And then the rest of what she said registers. He stops again, falling behind her this time. "Same world? Have you come in a ship of your own, then? Is that what you mean when you say you can't go home, your ship's been damaged? Oh, I can help you to fix it, I'm sure."
But clearly his listening skills need a bit of work, and she wonders vaguely if she's used some odd British slang to make him so confused. "No, I don't have a ship! What I mean is one minute I was in my bedroom and the next minute I was sitting in front of a labyrinth. It happened just the same way the last time."
"... The last time?" he repeated. "The last time?" Now he's beginning to sound a bit like he shouldn't be sounding for quite a while yet. "So you know this place! Er, well, places like it- why didn't you say so before? You ought to speak up! Sarah, was it? Are we going in an arguably sensible direction, at least?"
"If this is anything at all like the last time, then the only sensible direction is back the way we came and out of here, Doctor...what was it, exactly?"
"If you suddenly appeared here in a senseless manner, then a sensible egress is hardly going to make sense. Think with your mind, Sarah, not your brain. I'm going to study the place a bit more and go back to my ship, which happens to be in there somewhere. I'm fairly certain I can deliver you home if you haven't found your way by more conventional means, of course, but if you need the opportunity, you must keep up and leave sense to the ways- pardon, what was what?"
If she is where she thinks she is - and when her finger comes away from the wall dusted with glitter her stomach sinks a little - then he's definitely in over his head, and she resolves to at least follow him as far as his ship, if there's any chance of a lift home. Though he doesn't look much like a sailor and she doesn't remember seeing a lake.
"Look," she continues reasonably, keeping pace with him now, "you've no idea what you're getting into here. I might be able to help. And I was asking your name. I'm not just going to call you 'Doctor'."
"Splendid. We've come to Escher's opium dream. Now, Doctor is very well a suitable name for me, unless I'm allowed to call you something else as well. I could easily mix you up with someone I knew once, if we aren't careful."
"But 'Doctor' isn't really a name, though. Lots of people are called 'Sarah,' but it's a real name. Unless it is - I mean, I know you British have weird names, but I was expecting something more like Nigel or...or Alistair. You sort of look like an Alistair."
He steps back from the archway he was about to lead them through, frowning. Spinning slowly on his heels, the Doctor mutters to himself and glances upward again before shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"She's moving, and not of her own accord- oh, she isn't at all pleased. What in Rass...". Again, he trails off, his mouth becoming a thin line, and with another gauging spin, sets off determinedly in a seemingly arbitrary direction. "I won't stand for some brute absconding with my ship."
"Maybe we should just pick a direction and stick- What d'you mean, 'she'?" She jogs to keep pace with him again, nearly losing him if not for the flapping of his coat as he breezes around a corner. "What kind of ship is it anyway?"
"The TARDIS is a vessel that travels within, without and through space and time, happens to be my dearest friend- and she isn't happy at all. Has it occurred to you," he continues, fixating on a slightly loose brick and prying at it, "that the Doctor might be my name? Smith, Gardener, Carpenter, all names and professions- if it bothers you so, call me Smith. Now, this wasn't here when I came round the first time, and this is where I must go... how peculiar."
"Don't you ever get tired of explaining that? It seems like it would be easier to have a name to go with the 'doctor' bit instead of having everyone ask 'doctor who?' ...Hey, y'know that sort of suits you. Doctor Wh-"
She cuts herself off and comes to peer around him and the brick he's prying at. The long-forgotten tingle of instinct bubbles through her veins. "I really don't think you should be doing that."
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