Graphic Size

Mar 20, 2023 08:10

Hello Members,

Since I keep doing it on my own, I thought I'd put this out to all of you. As some fandoms screencaps have larger sized caps than others, feel free to mess with any graphic size. As long as it keeps it's shape. So if the graphic size is 800x300, then you can multiple that by two making it 1600x600, or three 2400x900, etc.

The shape will stay the same, it'll just be bigger in size. You cannot however scale down because points are based on the normal size so if you want bigger, that's your choice, but going smaller is not going to fly.

Let me know if you have any questions. I won't be specifying in challenges unless it fits. So if you want to make sure you can in challenges, feel free to do so.


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