Must spasm for epic win.
I've been considering making Enn sort of steampunk-y because of my fondness for Anotherspace, and my fondness for Steampunk, and my boyfriend/friends' interest, and after seeing THIS STUFF, I -so- want to deck her out with this crap. @___@
*words cannot express* *_______*
dslknflksdnf!! EEE
SD *___*
AHHH 8333 Boyfriend and I agree: we would wear these ourselves. xDDD
*ded* So. Fucking. Rad. Must. Have.
Unfortunately (fortunately for my wallet... xD), most of the stuff is in SD(13), and she's said that the materials for the turning key(!!! <3) have become unreliable, so she's not positive she can make more of them (same with the magnifying glasses). But the watch and gear necklace on the other hand... 833