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Jun 02, 2003 13:38

Today has been confusing...I've already shed some tears, but I'm doing a lot better now. There's just been a lot of things hit me the last couple of months, and sometimes, it's easy to just get overwhelmed. But like I said, I'm doing much better now.
Yesterday was an AWESOME day. Dad went on in his Timothy series, and talked about the verse that talks about knowing some people's sins, but other people's sins being hidden. Sometimes, people think that nobody else knows about their hidden sins, or they put on a face when their around other Christians, but then when there alone, or with another type of group, they are a totally different person. There was an example given of David and Bathsheba, and how David tried to hide his sin, but it soon got out, because he had not confessed his sin to God. It was a very good sermon, and I think that a lot of people looked at their lives and thought about it, because there were a lot of people who came down for the altar call. It was AWESOME!!! It's always good to see people's lives changed when they come to Jesus. And it will ALWAYS be changed. That is so refreshing.
Okay, I admit...Sarah and I are completely crazy when it comes to chinese food. We had it again on Sunday. Kurie didn't really want it, so Sarah told her that we could just take her home, but she wanted to go. So we had chinese, and she had pretty much a non-chinese lunch at a chinese resteraunt. My lunch was SO YUMMY!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
It was SO nice to be able to visit with Kurie again though. And her plate still looked yummy. They are adding more american food at the buffet. I think that I stuffed myself to death though. When I got home, I put some shorts on, and they hardly even fit...ooops:)
Sunday night was really good too. There was an awesome spirit of thankfulness and joy. It was really neat. I am so thankful for my relationship with Jesus. Everyday, I strive to be more like Him, and I am now working on having more "tent meetings with him." We're going to talk about that on Wednesday. It's gonna be awesome! In everything that I do, I want to be like Jesus, and I want others to see Him in me. That is VERY important to me. I am so thankful for the sacrifice that He made for me, and the least that I can do, is give Him everything that I have. I love Him SO much.
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