Lunch - Day 16

Jun 23, 2006 15:55

The announcement for lunch was welcome. Hughes hadn't eaten at all so far, having skipped eating at breakfast out of concern and then simple unrest. But now he was feeling the effects of the missed meal, and was eager to get something into his system - though he was a bit disheartened to have his conversation with Goku interrupted.

Following his overly-friendly nurse into the cafeteria once more, Hughes wondered if he'd get a chance to talk to any of the new patients. And if there would be anyone from home in with the new arrivals. He couldn't help the thought these days, as it had been pointed out time and time again what a high concentration of people came from his own world. Not that he was complaining as such...

He still needed to talk to Scar and find out what, exactly, the man's blow up at him earlier had been over. He had a feeling, and wanted a chance to explain himself. He knew it was impossible to keep Scar and Roy away from one another's throats, and as long as they didn't try and kill each other he wasn't going to interfere. But there was a time and a place for it. Breakfast when everyone was on edge and worried about friends wasn't the time or the place.

Sighing, Hughes grabbed his lunch - not caring what it was, only that there was plenty of it - and plopped himself down in an empty seat.

He needed to take his own advice when it came to food.

crane, brock, haruhi, hughes, axel, haru, ichigo, sora, elena, roy, luxord, kadaj, lust, scar, riku, quistis

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