o5. video / action for those in Goldenrod (backdated to this morning)

Jan 23, 2011 21:15

[Before we begin, let's get one thing straight here: Terra has never been in a fight with a girl before, aside from Aqua. We don't count Maleficent because, well, it's Maleficent, and Aqua's more his bro than anything so it's really a moot point.

So when he finds himself in the Goldenrod Gym this morning, he's going in with the same attitude that he goes in during any kind of fight - with focus and determination. But in all 18+ years of his life, he'd never be prepared for what happens next.]

Well, hey there~!

Hello. [Oh boy.]

I've never seen you around the city before. What's your name, handsome~?

[DEEEEERP] I'm Terra.

Oh, Terra. Such a strong and manly name!

... Thanks. About the badge-

Say, are you busy tonight? I know a really nice restaurant around here that has great pasta.

Uh, sorry, but... I've got something to take care of.

Aw, are you sure? Can't you get away for just a little while?

No, I really can't. [And here he releases Pupitar, much to Whitney's dismay, which signals the end of the conversation and the start of the battle. The gear gets passed on to his Eevee, who diligently records everything during and after the match.]

[Terra's only gotten one gym badge since his arrival in Johto, so Whitney was definitely a step up from Falkner. Her Giraffarig fell pretty fast to his Pupitar, and though Clefable and Miltank were tough, it was no match for his Dugtrio and Pikachu.

When the dust clears, Volt lets out a proud "pika!", and paw-bumps each of Quake's heads. Meanwhile, Whitney promptly falls onto Terra's chest, bawling into his shoulder while he nearly blanches, standing rigid as she begins her rant-]

Y-You big meanie! I-I thought you were so n-nice and good-looking when you f-first came in, but that was all a lie! F-First you turn me down, and then you m-made me lose! I mean, wh-who wouldn't want to go out with me? Huh? I-I'm cute and pretty and I b-bet I look better than a-any girl you've ever seen! H-How could you?!

[Terra has probably never looked so confused as he is right now and awkwardly lifts a hand to give Whitney some (what he hopes are) comforting head pats.] I'm... I'm sorry? [Oh god WAT DO SOMEONE HELP THE POOR GUY OUT HERE-]

goldenrod city, video, action, derpderpderp, oh god, crying girl wat do, askjdfal, badge get, terra used oblivious, hnnngh

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