Fandom: X-Men First Class
Pairings: Alex/Hank
Word Count: 631
Rating: PG
Prompt: Drunk Dialing- I want a lovely and funny romantic episode! They can be mutant or not.
Note: IDK what it is with me and drunken episodes lately… ha.
He really shouldn't have had that last beer. He really really shouldn't have. And now it was whirling around in his stomach, making him all jittery and warm, as beer is apt to do. He really shouldn't have. But it always makes him feel cuddly and happy, and he's practically singing aloud to the jukebox, oh wait, he actually is singing aloud to the jukebox. Although once the good moods and jitteriness fades, theres always something left underneath. An emptiness swarming with desire, and than he is moody. He is alone and moody. Everyone in the bar is no longer his best friend.
He stares down at the phone in his hand. He was going to tell him! He swore he was! It was going to happen this time! He stumbled through the names in his address book. Where the hell was it? Huh, where had that beautiful name gone? oh thats right, he had put an A before his name so that it would always show up first in his address book. He beamed down at the name in pride, in happiness, as it lit up on his phone when he pressed call. A_Hank
Alex put the phone flush against his ear, he tried to pin it to his shoulder, gaping his mouth open like he had a fly stuck in it as he listened to the phone ringing. Now he was licking at air. It rang five times, a sinking depression started to kick in, and than he heard the click that signified someone had answered. A weak and sleepy voice answered him, "Hello?"
Alex's grin spread across his face like railroad tracks. It was really him! He really answered! He had him right there in his little communication box. He silently kissed the phone in appreciation, "Hello bozo", was his all too familiar and almost endearing greeting. Hank was getting annoyed on the other line. It was 2 am, he had been working on a very important experiment, and had Alex just called to make fun of him? Hank told Alex all this, but Alex's brain wasn't working at 100% efficiency currently, so he just grinned into the phone, laughing at a joke that wasn't told. Hank threatened to hang up, when Alex let out a whimper, "No Hank! Please don't!"
He wasn't really sure what it was, but Hank decided to stay on the line, "Hank! Hank! I have something very important to tell you!" There it was again, the jitters in his stomach, maybe the beer had had a reoccurrence. Hank sat patiently on the other line, waiting to hear what the actual news was, "Oh Hank! Did you know that you're my best friend?" Hank was a little taken back by this. He did not in fact know that. Nor did he believe that. But drunk men never lied, right? Alex was feeling very sleepy all of a sudden, he yawned into the phone, "Oh and Hank. One more thing. I love you Hank. I love you big furry blue hair ball. I love you like a salt shaker loves pepper…."" It didn't matter that Alex had trailed off, or stopped making sense, because Hank was still hung on those three words. He couldn't even speak, he didn't even know what to say. He'd never known a drunk man to lie. Alex had fallen silent too when he let out a soft "Hank…" as if he was waiting for a response.
Hank jumped up and grabbed his keys, "Alex stay there, I'm coming to get you." He hung up the phone on the drunk mutant. Alex stared at the phone, sadness consuming him, "I hate you." he muttered to the phone. The phone had made Hank go away. Alex was so drunk he couldn't even comprehend that he'd be seeing Hank very shortly.