I finished setting up the basement today. The big thing was when I sold my peugot and at the same time we offloaded a green junker onto the same guy. We gave him the junker for free, and in return he paid me the crazily inflated price for the peugeot. Im super excited for the space in teh basement, but terrified of the spider concentration. Personally stepped on two black widow look alikes, and margaret saw a wolf spider down there. I plan on keeping it tidy and vacumming up periodically. I am also conisdering making a "raid perimter" but worry about my own health. Check out the new room:
Pretty excited that there is a window there. Had no idea there was one, but after clearing out layers of particle board, old head boards and beach chairs, the window presented itself. When i lifted the blinds up for the first time it was a nightmarish scene. I wish i had photographed it before vacuuming it all up, but i think i may have been in shock. Cleared off the work bench which has a working outlet and working vice grip on it. I plan on utilizing both extensively. I bought some colored light bulbs in order to have an option to make things grooooooooooooooovy. the drum kit fits nicely in the corner with amps along side. There was an old shoe shelf there which im utilizing for various pedals and cables. The final thing i need is a stool. We went looking for one today but came away empty handed. There is a pretty cool one on craigslist but not very functional. I plan on giving painting another go, but need some brushes first. Its nice to have a space iw ont have to fully clean up every time i want to stop working on something. Also, will be good to be able to be a little more sloppy. I still will probably put in a stereo down there, but for now may just try running a line in to my amp and ipoding it.