
May 04, 2006 22:50


-Your girlfriends name: Jillian Jo Wood

-A nick name you give her if any: Sweetie..orrr cupcake..orr anything I feel like calling her at the time.. ;)

-Color hair: she’s a brunette!! <3

-Color eyes: Blue

-How does she have her hair: she likes to pull it back into a ponytail..butttt I like her to wear it down

-How old is she: she’s 17 and..16 days

-When is her b-day: April 18, 1989

-How tall is she: she claims she’s 5’4” but I think she’s taller..maybe 5’5-6”

-How much does she weigh:112 lbs..? I think you mentioned that

-What is she(prep, punk, sk8er, or herself?): definitely herself! A quality I enjoy

-What does she like to wear: lol a mixture of things..she likes her garden clogs. Buttt..shes looked good in everything I’ve seen.

-Does she have any piercings: I don’t even think her ears are pierced..of that im pretty sure.

-Any tats: nope..

-She drinks or do drugs: no she doesn’t :D

-is she a sweet, caring, honest, trustworthy etc: I trust her wholeheartedly and I know she’ll do anything for me..she’s very caring..

-Does she play sports, if so what sports? Nope.. but she does play some pingpong! Not badly at all.. ;)

-Is she model material: oh definitely..she can model for me anytime :D

-What music does she like: Well she likes all types.. mainly pop, oldies, and classic rock type stuff..


-How long have you two been dating for: well Saturday is 1 month!

-How did you two meet each other: through myspace

-Do you think its serious: oh I think it’s very serious

-Do you love her: I love her with all my heart I’ll do anything for her <3

-Does she love you: I know she feels the same

-Do you trust her: yes I do

-Do you like the way she smells: I lovvve the way she smells.

-Do you have a favorite outfit she wears: I like that pink tank top she wore the last time I saw her!

-What is your favorite body part on your girl: well I can’t pick just one…I’d say eyes, smile, neck, shoulders, and she has a nice butt I’ll give her that.. :D

-What was your first impression of her when you saw her: when I saw her in person I knew that I would come to love her

-Were you scared to go up to talk to her: not really..i was a little shy at first but I came around by the end of the night

-When was your guys first kiss and who made the move: first kiss was actually on the first date at the movie theater and I made the first move..it was almost a miss.llooollll

-Do you think she is a good kisser: she is an amazing kisser. :D

-What is your favorite thing she does to you: I love it when she messes with my ear. :D

-What is the cutest thing she does: her laugh definitely..i love her laugh

-If you could change anything bout her what would it be: right now I want her to live closer 

-What is something that anoys you about her: nothing really..just that I don’t get to see her a whole lot

-Are you able to hang out with her and her friends: a little bit..if we lived closer yes

-Can she hangout with your friends without being bitchy: I don’t know yet..we’ll find out in the future..and I’m sure it’ll be fine. :D

-Can you see yourself two being married: I have tried the idea out I won’t lie.

-Could you see yourself having kids with her: yes I could..

-Does your parents like her: yep from what I’ve heard they do

-Does she have a temper: lol..if she does I haven’t had the chance to see it yet

-Is she crazy: OH YEAH! Lol but that’s also what I love about her.

-Is she tough: lol she runs away from a ping pong ball..so in some ways just not physically

-Whats her most attrative feature: her smile and her shoulders. :D

-Have you guys had any fights: nope none to date

-Were you close to breaking up: lol nope not close at all

-Have you regreted dating her: I’ve enjoyed every moment.. no regrets ;)

-What is the most thing you enjoy doing with her: I enjoy spending time with her..she’s amazing and I love being with her..and there’s that other thing..that’s fun also ;)
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