A moment in time at CFTC

Aug 02, 2004 22:08

The following is just a small, but important part of my trip to Miami to see SDB's and meet DPers.

I watched him, trying not to look to obvious. Susie and I stood at the velvet rope keeping us on the outside of the VIP area of Nikki Beach. Susie was engrossed in a conversation with the security guard, Dean. He had the nicest smile and a great head of soft, curly blonde hair. We knew that we couldn’t get anywhere with him as far as him letting us in, but he was still nice to talk to. I had to look casual as I concentrated my attention on Chris. He was wearing jeans and an orange shirt with a rhinestoned picture of Queen Elizabeth on it. He was truly a sparkly dance boy.

I watched him as he stood no more that 30 feet from me, talking to friends with the remnants of a cigar between his lips. As he began to walk away in the opposite direction from me, I could feel the happiness slide from my body. I was hoping to get his attention, if only to wave and say hello.

Joey was still within viewing distance. He was sitting at a table with Johnny Wright. They were broadcasting for a radio show. There was a large group of people standing near them on the outside of the ropes, just like us. The rest of the Nsyncers were upstairs, out of view.

I hung out with Susie, half-heartedly listening to her conversation. In listening to her, I discovered that Dean was a DJ as well as a security guard. He said that he only spins for private parties though, like weddings, etc. Susie was trying to convince him to add JC’s solo CD to his collection. A true DPer never stops pimping the Chasez!

I was about to leave and go join the rest of our group, when I spot Chris, along with his crew, coming towards us. They were exiting the VIP area. As he approached it was like slow-motion. I scanned him hungrily up and down with my eyes. He had been working out and it showed. His shoulders were broad, muscular and there was no sign of the Buddha belly. He was looking absolutely fuckable.

When he was no more that three feet from me, I spoke, “Hey Chris.”

He waved and said hello.

I held out my arms and asked for a hug. He leaned in and gave me a squeeze. As of this moment, I cannot honestly remember feeling his arms around me. But I do remember what I did. I pulled him close and my right cheek was resting against his right cheek. I could feel the scruff of his sideburn and I could smell his cologne. The smell of him turned me on so bad. The only thing I could think to do at the moment was to kiss his cheek. So I did.

He released me from the hug and went along his merry way with his entourage. I stood there for a moment with Susie staring at me. Trying to maintain my giddiness, I turned to her and said, “I kissed him! I kissed Chris!” Dean was smiling and shaking his head at me. After I was through sharing with Susie, I ran off to tell Shana and Kai what had just happened.

I ran over to where they were sitting and giggled, “I kissed Chris!” There was a round of, “You go girl,” and “I’m calling your husband.” After a high-five, I left to tell my other DPers. I walked towards the beach. When the girls were within view, I slipped off my shoes and full-out ran to where they were lounging. Running through the middle of them, I shouted, “I kissed Chris! I kissed Chris!”

I guess they couldn’t quite make out what I was saying, or they were in disbelief. They asked me to repeat what I had just said. After running, it took me a minute to catch my breath. When I did, they asked me to give them the full details, starting at the beginning. So I told them how when he was exiting VIP, I said hi and asked him for a hug. When I hugged him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. There were a lot of high-fives and woo-hoos!

Someone, I don’t remember who, had the bright idea of calling Wendy to tell her. Wendy is a well-known Chris girl. We also knew from earlier that Wendy had just flown into Cincinnati to visit Kirsten. They tried calling Kirsten’s phone, but there was no answer.

I thought I was off the hook. Oh no, now they were calling Wendy’s cell phone. Unfortunately for me, Wendy answered. I think it was Angel who handed the phone to me. I said hello to Wendy and introduced myself, as I had never talked to her on the phone before. I told her that this was Tracey, Lances Sex Goddess. She sounded puzzled as to why I would be calling her. I explained that the girls here wanted me to call her. I hesitated for a moment, then I dropped the bomb. I told her that I had just kissed Chris.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. I thought for sure that she hated me at that point. Then she finally spoke. “Well congratulations,” she said, without much enthusiasm. I had expected as much. I didn’t blame her. If someone had called me and told me that they had kissed him or Lance and I wasn’t there, I would not be too enthused. She reiterated her congratulations and I told her how good he smelled and how he looked. We then said goodbye.

After I told everyone how the conversation went, they told me that they thought they saw him go beyond the fence of the club, and out to the beach. A few of us decided to see if we could join him out there. We figured that they were out there smoking a blunt. Needless to say, the security guard wouldn’t let us past, stating that the beach was “closed.” Uh, yeah. Closed my ass. They just didn’t want us out there bothering Chris. Asshat! (not Chris, the guard)

So we wandered back over to the group. I told them that I was going to watch for him to come back in and I was going to ask him to come over and join us. I don’t think that they believed that I would do it.

About 15 minutes later, they wandered back in. I briskly walked over towards him, calling his name as I went. After the third time, he heard me. And so did his security guard, a big tall red-headed woman, aptly named, Big Red. She stepped between Chris and I and asked what I wanted. I looked around the rude woman and asked Chris if he’d like to come over and meet some of my friends. Without hesitation (bless his heart) he said, “Sure!” He and his entourage followed me over to the DPers.

As we walked, I tried to put my arm around him. Big Red put a stop to that by saying, “Don’t touch him!” Geez, it’s not like I was going to hurt him! I just wanted to feel him next to me.

As we walked, I told him that this group of girls were from a message board called Dirty Pop. I asked him if he had heard of it. The expression on his face told me that either he hadn’t, or he was too high to comprehend what I was telling him. I chose to believe the latter.

When we arrived, he said, “Looks like you guys are having a party out here!” Everyone was so excited, but they politely introduced themselves and got to shake Chris’ hand. I was so proud to have him standing next to me!

At that point, I was in a daze. Chris was shaking hands with everyone as they introduced themselves, giving everyone almost individual attention. Chris would take their hand into his with both of his hands. *swoon* He was so considerate. It’s like he understands what it feels like for a fan.

About 3/4ths of the way through the girls, he turned to Big Red and said, “Remind me, I promised that girl with MS that I’d dance with her.” Awww! How sweet is that? A few moments after that, Big Red ushered him away as we all said goodbye. I think I heard Tonya yell, ‘got pot’ as he walked away. Hilarious!

After he left, the girls were all excited. That had made their night. It was then, that I was dubbed The Goddess. That made me feel so special! I had never been so popular in my life. We did some more teepee dancing after that and even made our way out to the ‘closed’ beach.

We closed the place down that night. A great time was had by all and that night was, of course, the highlight of the trip.
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