Art Theft, Depression and Precaution.

Apr 26, 2004 03:07

Yesterday I was disheartened to find so much art theft here in DA among the artists that I silently respected. *sighs* Where has the world gone to these days? Doesn't anyone believe in honesty, hard work and dedication anymore? *shakes head*

I mean sure there will always be someone better than you out there. Hell, that's life in general. But still, to take someone's hard earned work that they have slaved over for hours or months, is pure blasphemous. Sure, I have always wanted to quite a lot of times because I felt that I wasn't good enough. I even worried myself sick at times because of it; and hell there were times when I wanted to never draw again. But the thing that I am trying to point out is never give up!!! You never know what lays around the corner for you.

You should see my first ever CG work. I have this work posted earlier on around July or early august time. Now compared to myto my latest It's so hard to believe that I came so far since July of 2003. I'm amazed myself.

I forget a lot of times to look at my own accomplishments and achievements and fall victim of getting discouraged and serious depression when looking at the great talent that is around me. I also know that a lot of artist like myself think this way. But after reading planetvoon1's journal, I've realize that I have a lot to be happy for. So don't give up and keep trying harder. Set a goal for yourself and when you achieve that, make another goal and try to achieve that. My goals I have a long ways to go to achieve, but slowly but surely everyone and including myself are seeing the small improvements that are being made, and I also see a lot of friends and talented artists works online that are changing and evolving into wonderful pieces each and every time, so even though I don't comment as much, I still love seeing all of your new works. So lets all improve together. ^-^

As for art theft, feeleash gave me a great tip so I will pass it on to anyone that is interested. "The better way to prevent someone steal your work is putting some transparent logo on your pic cause even when you write something, someone with great patience can alter things and it will look like the original. That's the worst thing about digital art..." I hope that this helps anyone. Especially if you are giving previews of your work in progress. If I find anything else that may help I will let everyone know.

I have no idea if my work has been stolen or not already, but seriously, people need to take the time and draw their own works. The people who are prasing you are not really praising you the theif, but the real artist that drew it. Make something that you will be proud of that way you can have all of the credit. Even if you are not good at it. Parctice so that you will in the future.

*falls over tired* Anyway that's my rant! -_-;;; I will leave you with the journal that inspired me to get better at my own abilities. I hope that anything in his journal or my jounal helps you.
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