Nov 29, 2006 11:35
DEE STORY!!!! Well not so much Dee as general work bashing story.
So Jadis (Dee) sent Kevin (assistant Manager) and Alison (useless boob of a human being who has nothing to do with the hotel what so ever) to Banff Springs Hotel for Canada's West Marketplace. Biggie tourism tradeshow. Anyways, I'm over feeling bad about not going, I am happy I didn't go.
First off, Kevin got stuck at the airport here for the day, then flew out 12 hours after he was supposed to. Came to a skidding, sliding halt on the frozen tarmac in Calgary to find that his airport shuttle had left for Banff without him. Transfer the reservation from one Fairmont to another and he is in Calgary for the night. EARLY the next morning he gets a shuttle from Fairmont 2 to Fairmont 1.
This is where it gets good.
Now, the hotel paid for two delegates going. No one paid attention to the fact that we did not pay for two delegates to be on the floor at the same time. Meaning either Kevin OR Alison go in and have meetings with the travel professionals but not both. The Really funny part is that Alison does not know ANYTHING about the hotel. There is not a hope in hell that she could sit for 10-15 inutes and sell our property to people that know nothing about us. So, Kevin now has to do ALL the meetings this week, and there are like 50 of them, while Alison sits in the delegates lounge with the laptop.
This is where it gets even better.
Kevin persuaded Dee to rent a laptop, even though I have been mentioning for the last two years that we need one. The purpose it to showcase photos instead of just handing over a brochure. Seeing as we paid for Alison to go over there, and she can't go into onto the sales floor, Kevin suggested she go in the Delegates lounge and when he has his meetings he will send the tour operators (when they have time) to visit Alison and look over the pics.
HAHAHAHA Priceless. What an absolute waste of money ALL AROUND. Waste of time and effort for everyone involved. I, thankfully, removed my touch completely when I was told that I was not to be going. If I'm not going then why the hell would I want to do the work for someone else.