Jun 08, 2006 02:24
Ya it didn't have Smash or Mando but it was still THE birthday I have been waiting for. I had my very first surprise birthday. And it went seamlessly.
Trent gave nothing away, in fact the choice of restaurant seemed to be mine. Walked into Milestones and was totally off guard. Saw Paton then Carly and was like what the fuck. Then I realized what was going on. W00t to me.
It was a lovely day. Will have to go back and read last years LJ post and compare notes. Bwahahaha.
Trent got me a Palm pilot. OMG I loves him soooooo much. That is the one thing I have totally wanted but never thought for a moment I would get for my pressie. So pumped. Has bluetooth as well, now I need to upgrade my phone if Bell will let me hehehehe.
Soo incredibly drunk tonight. Milestones, Irish Times, The Reef, Tim's (my "str8" co-worker), then swiftsure with Peeta.
Fabulous Birfday if I do say so.....and I do.