Apr 01, 2006 04:03
I'm really tired of all the bullshit lawsuits against video games. Apparently the families of policemen killed by some deranged psycho who used GTA as his defense are suing take two and Rockstar. Awesome. Douche McBag Jack Thompson was the head lawyer for this case until he was forced to withdraw because ethically this case has no base (holy shit lawyers have ethics?!). Yet the great state of Alabama has take upon itself to let the case go on. This is the one subject I don't agree with any side. The left has Ass McHole Joe Lieberman super jew defender of childrens. It's disgusting to take on an entertainment media and blame it for the problems of society. I watched rambo the other day so that means I know how to make pungee traps, use an m60, take out a sqaud of cops, and fucking take out a helicopter with a rock. Fuck man some people. Oh yeah I forgot to add this AMERIKKA! HOOYAH!