Camp Update (Peeing for God)

Jun 13, 2005 19:40

First off let me just say that camp rocks! I'm so happy that God called me to camping ministry.

With that said let me fill you in on the last few weeks of my life.

On the 29th, Sarah and I set off for Michi-lu-ca after church. We there alitle after four and discovered that we do in fact have cell phone service. We went out to eat with Tia, Andy, Aaron, Hilary, and someone else who I can't remember right now. We went to a resturant called the Ausable River Resturant or as we call it the "ARR" cause we're pirates. When we got back to camp we had a staff meeting and got "campers". Mine was a stuffed Wanda from the Fairly Odd Parents. It was really creepy looking. We had to carry it around with us for all of staff training.

The Staff is great. I love all of them.

That Wednesday we went to Stoney Lake and did some training with thier staff. While there we took our drug tests (I'm sure you're all suprised to know that I came out negitive for everything). DRUG FREE IS THE WAY TO PEE! Stoney Lake was awesome (or as Dan likes to write in his emails, it was assume). We had a campfire minus the fire out on the beach and we watched to sunset and had many "hey God" moments. It was great!

After coming back we continued to have training (yay for lost camper drills and fire drills).

On Saturday, Nature Adam took six of us canoeing down the Ausable River down the track that Adventure Camp will be taking week three. It was alot of fun until Jesse Moya tripped our canoe. It was intended to be a tipping of someone elses canoe but they ended up tipping us as well...twice. I'm so sun burned from that. We canoed for five hours and twenty two miles.

I'm on day camp in Saginaw this week so yesterday after the staff meeting we piled into the minivan and left for the church but we were leaving way ahead of schedule so we stopped at The Parlor for some ice cream. They have the best Ice Cream ever! So after we got out ice cream we got back in the van and headed to Saginaw. I slept the whole way here. I fell asleep with my face against the poster boards we have with our song lyrics written on them and I woke up fearing that I would have marker on my face, but I didn't. Mapquest was wrong and we went in circles for awhile before we found the church. When we finally met our host families we paired up and Kirsten and I are staying at the same house. Our host is Esther. She's so nice.

Today was our first day of daycamp. I'm the leader of the third and fourth graders. I have sixteen of them and a junior concelour. I also have an adult leader with me. the day flew by. It was awesome. I love it!

Well that's all from me right now.

In God's great love,

god, saginaw, inside jokes, day camp, friends, camp

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