Mar 14, 2006 00:09
So this has been on my mind for the past couple days. I was on my way to work when I noticed a newspaper that someone left on a subway bench. There was a picture of a pretty girl and a headline that said something to the effect of "Imette's Last Call a Scream, Had Fight With Bar Bouncer." This was enough. I didn't want to read the article, but upon getting off the train, early, I stop by a newsstand and pick up a copy because it's really on my mind now. Read the article. All of the gruesome details of how this girl was murdered. And I'm really upset at this point. First off, if this happened to someone I knew and cared about, I'd be out looking for blood. I would not rest until either I got her some justice or I was killed in the process of trying. Second, I'd be very upset with the newspaper for taking this tragedy and writing about it as though it were the plotline for some B-rated horror movie. They probably saw it as a chance to sell some papers by provoking some sort of outrage in the public and in my case, it worked. I'm beyond disgusted, especially with myself for getting so caught up in it. I pretend not to look when I see it on the shelf, but I can't keep away because I really want to know that things will be made right.