Jul 27, 2010 05:03
hello LJ world its been a long time, lets recap shall we
January - I lost my job at Macy's decided after a long hard look at where my life was going , I decided to call an end to a 3 and a half (almost) relationship. I didn't think it fair that Hector was the soul provider for both of us any longer after miserable attempts at me looking for another job I decided to leave San Diego and the wonderful folks in it. It was not an easy decision to make, im still not certain I made the right one. but In mid January I came back to Florida
for the umpteenth time.
February - Job searching commenced, had one job but it fell thru, basically I thought i was too skilled to work at Mcdonalds not to mention I couldnt hear out of the goddamn headsets.
March - Decided it was in my best interest to try and get back into school, found out I couldnt take the college placement test until......
April - last week in april I not only took the college placement test but I finalized my paperwork for financial aide
May - Had orientation, got my student Id Registered for classes and awaited my summer school classes
June - started class, got my first round of financial aid, which got me an apartment, a new laptop and other things i either needed or wanted and i did it on my own...with government help
July - made good grades so far an A a B+ and im guessing a B the scores are not in yet
now here we are the last week of July, summer classes will be over in less then 3 weeks, then i have a week free and then the fall term starts, as I sit here typing I am unsure of what is to come, I know im doing well by being in school but yet and still I am miserable out here, its hot and humid, family is not getting along even with the approach of my nieces birth, did I rush to come back? Should I prioritize? Or simply follow my heart and my own mind instead of what folks want me to do.......