(no subject)

Nov 21, 2006 19:57

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1.) I absolutely HATE the feeling of a shoelace sliding between my teeth. When I was a kid, I used my teeth to untie knots in my shoe laces. I still get chills thinking about it now.

2.) I've written this one before, some times I see children standing on the wrong sides of closed store fronts looking at me. Just in peripheral vision.

3.) I bite my nails, always have since I was a kid.

4.) I prefer a simple BIC Razor to any other razor on the planet.

5.) When I buy DVD's, I wonder what the cashier's opinions of my purchase are.

6.) I adapt my character to whom I'm around. I feel more confident around different people.

7.) Some times I make plans for the most improbable of situations. For instance, while standing in the shower, should I find myself having to fend off an attacker, which would be more likely to blind them...Shampoo? Or Conditioner? Then I realize that it has to be shampoo as I don't have conditioner.

8.) Most people that read this don't know that I was a super choir nerd in high School. Competitions and everything, competed on a state level a few different times and even sang in Carnage Hall in New York in 1999.

9.) Once, a quarter fell out of my pocket in my drive way. I left it there for weeks and walked right over it when I could have just bent down and picked it up. I liked seeing it there for some reason. Felt nice knowing I could depend on it being there, if for no other reason than because I willed it so.

10.) I used to collect my fortunes from fortune cookies until they stopped making sense.

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