(no subject)

Nov 09, 2006 23:24

The old saying goes, "You can do whatever you set your mind to."

In my case, I think a few extra words are needed to completely convey this idea and how it applys to me.
In my case, it should be: "I can do whatever I want to set my mind to."

I wanted to move to S'ville years ago, despite what ever was in my way. I did it.

I wanted to cut down that Cotton wood, even when my dad said he wouldn't have messed with that tree. I did it anyway.

I rebuild that store room this spring.... despite how much work it was, I did it.

I wanted to get a new truck..... and I have it.

I can do anything I want.........

.....so long as I want it.

I don't want alot in this world, I'm not greedy. I don't need alot to get by. And there in lies the conflict. Seems the hard part for me is finding something I want bad enough to sacrifice for it, which brings me to the meat of the matter.

Today, I was offered a new job at work, an office job, behind a desk and computer. My tools would no longer be a set of allen wrenches and a tape measure, but a computer and a phone.
Really in all honesty, I wish I had not been offered this new position. I could have been just fine working with my hands and my mind.

But today.....

Today I questioned an aspect of my own Character.....

There's no doubt in my mind that I'm more than capable of doing the work they want me to. I'm smart enough. But it's not me.

I questioned for a moment though....why did I not want this job? Was I affraid of change? Completely leaving my element. I had never done any of the things I listed above, the cotton wood, the store room, defy'd everyone and moved away.......

I just didn't want it. Plain and simple.

None of those things had ever been in me to do before I did them, but I did them regardless....because I wanted to.

I had till moday to think about it, but by the end of today, my mind was already made up. Besides, I feel as though I'm more of an asset to the company where I am instead of caged up in an office.

I can do whatever I want.....and right now I choose this.
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