(no subject)

Jul 15, 2006 21:13

Said the selfish sibling of the charming Princess' groom. I'll call when I damn well please! All of you! Except you, carry on, complain at will, it's in your nature. Bwaha.
making note of: askaninja.com
brought to you by www.askaninja.com
more importantly: brought to my attention by yi-chen
So yeah, going home soon, happy, bla bla, hi shane and whoever else, see you in person soon, probably, unless you're hiding in your closet and/or i don't know you. in which case i'd probably rather see you than shane. sorry. not really. moving along.
RPG shot at post, no harm. iraqi army guy just opening up blindly lol. so good. man mom's kids send some random shit. that fits in here cause i'm hungry and some of it is food, so this will likely end soon.
a tribute to the past:
agoogman: haha
agoogman: guot
MaskMeyKing: lol remember going down to freaking arvada to play lan games?
agoogman: for that yes. yes we will
agoogman: haha damn right
MaskMeyKing: wooo!
MaskMeyKing: that was so good.
agoogman: a vengetech is born
agoogman: it has a title
MaskMeyKing: we had a live audiance for the beta testing of TreasureMode
MaskMeyKing: rofl
agoogman: (dude people are greedy)
MaskMeyKing: oh my god you're right!
agoogman: Treasure Mode FAILED!

Had one or two other things to add, but i thought them in my head and that's really where it all counts. even if it goes away it was there and left its mark. look, things, er, thoughts disappear. hell even people disappear, but that's not the point. i forget what i was thinking about all the time but i still thought it and enjoyed it. plus i'll probably think it again at some point, thereby acheiving what feels to be a neverending supply of learning, growth, and understanding. when in fact it's all forgetfulness' and stupidity's clever guise. too bad it doesn't work the same for people. well kind of.

oooh Rhoki. Broken thoughts end here!

*resumed from saved draft*

so apparently that didn't post. yay lj for savng drafts, that is nifty. props here.

Dream about Eriodakreyonslueuwayka. madness. cutting hair in bathroom, for me! who are you? why hello there, oh my (lol) impressive! scene my room, i have a bed! shout/knock, white shirt, white towel, talking, suspicious, lift towel, wtf!? fuck you, no fuck you ((haha garrick said that really well once. i'm so chillin w/ that guy when i get back. hopefully not against his will. but i'd do it.)) Eriodakreyonslueuwayka gone, show up at house, redskins game, swimming? the rest are there, i need a day off (lolol), where is the pool? where is this house? so lost. oh well stay here! end.

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