Jun 25, 2007 23:41
Ok. So it's 11:30 on Monday night. I have spent the entire day packing. I was a bit of a bad girl and really didnt work on my room until today. But, I got all my laundry done, my two suitcases are at 44 lbs and 50 lbs, my two carry-on's are packed, with the exception that my laptop hasnt gone into the backpack yet. My boarding pass is printed and sitting atop my luggage. My room is the cleanest it's been since I moved back in from College, and after thursday when the maid comes it will be the cleanest its ever been ever.
I'm bringing Batman: Behind the Hood Vol 1 and 2, and Gotham Central: Dead Robin as reading material. All my other comic books are in tupperware bins ready to be shipped should I miss them. Or, simply awaiting my return in September.
Scully just pulled all the covers off me. She's not happy cause I put my old comforter on my bed since it's prettier than the 20 buck quilt that I normaly sleep with. Also, the Superman Blanket she normaly snuggles is in my suitcase. Selina went on total meltdown at 2 when I pulled out the suitcases. She followed me eveywhere for the rest of the day, and when she wasnt following me, she was crying loudly. This is wierd for her as she is normaly silent. Tia gave me the cold "Fine, see if I need you" shoulder. Selina was so stressed that she threw up her dinner. Scully sat on the couch and pouted and cried. Right now, Scully has snuggled down in all my absconded covers, Selina is sitting on my hip in her usual space, loving on my arm as I type, and Tia is sitting on the pillow next to me watching the letters appear on my computer screen.
This is my last post from Texas. The fact that I'm actualy moving hit me today at around 9:30, and I started crying. I walked downstairs to get laundry and my mom looked at me and said "What's wrong" and I bawled that it just hit me I'm leaving. Then the rents started making the usual "Well, yes, we've already planned on renting out your room to that nice school janitor." (True Genius=Hillarity). At which point, I felt like I was never going to finish, so mom came up and helped me get at least my room done so they can use it as a guest room. She said the spare bedroom is a lost cause until we get a storage facility, so she doesnt mind it being messy. We wrapped up at 11, I had to wait a little longer for my sheets to come out of the dryer.
But this is it. I wake up at 5 and at 6:55 I'll be in my cosey first class seat, sipping a screwdriver (In Soviet Russia, screwdriver sips YOU) and anticipating having my nice first class breakfast as I fly to my new home in Boston.
PS: Indiana Jones 4 has aparently begun filming in New Haven, CT. Sean Connery will not be in the movie, as he has retired, but aparently Jim Broadbent is playing a colleage of Indy's, and also in the film are Cate Blanchett and Shia LeBeouf. It's due out next summer.