Today... I got... ELEVEN comics

Apr 18, 2007 20:50

Wonder Woman: COT #15 I am sorry in advance: This review is stream of consiousness. OH SNAP! ARES! HOLY CRAP! “You’ll be mourning your dead friends along with your dead parents” And Cassie! It was all her doing all along! CASSIE GOD OF WAR! HUZZAH! Some STUNNING use of the Batman Begins theme during the battle. Real moving.

And, Psycho the Tour Guide. Just… Guh. Also, Jonathan as Oracle for the PDCU’s Justice League? Sweet! Because… that’s totally what this is. The PDCU’s Leauge is Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Steel, Robin, and Wonder Girl… And Kara.. but.. well…

I don’t believe for a second that Darkseid is dead. I just don’t. At the first sign of true pain or thought of actual defeat, he would have retreated to Apokolips via Motherbox to try to plan his attack for another day. It’s possible that Kara survived. Maybe she got sucked through the Boom Tube with him? Maybe get tortured in the X-Pit for a few years? Maybe be the first secret ingredient for Iron Chef: Apokolips?

TIMCASS! OMG this just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Seriously. And something tells me Bruce is going to have a slight problem with his sidekick/adopted son dating a demigoddess who can vaporize whole armies and only be knocked out for 40 minutes or so.

OH SNAP! DIANA FOUND OUT ABOUT CIRCE AND PSYCHO! AND FOX AND THE AMULET! I’d almost forgotten about that! It’s so sad that Diana is having a serious crisis of faith. Methinks she needs to spend some serious time talking to Athena, though I have a feeling Athena would just give her the same “Follow your heart you are wise inside” type thing she gave before. Mmm this Kristen needs more Wonder Woman. I've got a fever... and the only perscription... is more Wonder Woman.

MYSTERIOUS VOICE! ::dance and squee and glee and joy:: I’m not going to say more about the mysterious voice, but I know who it belongs to, and it makes me want to JUMP FOR JOY. As for upcoming episodes things: Looking forward to apparent resurrections in WW, Looking Forward to Cop Angst in Batman, Looking forward to Jor-El and such in Supes, looking forward to finding out ANYTHING about Project Pancakes.

World War III: Parts 1 through 4. Ok, I’m going to lump all 4 of these together. Pretty much it was 10 bucks worth of fan service fights. It “tied up loose ends” by having everything happen that you pretty much already thought was going to happen. I liked all the stuff with Jonn Jonnz. It was a very nice POV for the war. I knew the Chinese heroes were going to die. Adam ripped off Father Time’s face, which was awesome. He also punched a hole right through Tara Markov. Killed her dead. To which I say “Wait… didn’t she die a long time ago? Wasn’t GeoForce going on about how she’d died in JLA? Didn’t… Didn’t she die after the whole Terra Incognito Titans story?” And apparently if you like your arms don’t be a Teen Titan. Yikes. I might have cared more if we’d ever seen Kid Frankenstein before the moment of his de-arm-itation. The Justice Society once again proved that America doesn’t need a “Justice Leauge”. Really, I wouldn’t suggest reading this, just check out what gets posted over on S_D. There is a great picture in one of the big heroic crowd shots where John Stewart is carrying Ollie and it looks like Ollie is racking John and John’s face reflects this. Booster kept popping up at random and stole a nanite bomb then disappeared. Supergirl returned from space and was whisked off to Kandor by PG. Aquaman used his magic hand to return San Diego to the surface, which turned him into Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean.

52:50: You know, they say on the cover “WWIII Starts Here” Except… the story really made more sense as a part 5 to the WWIII issues. In the end, BA was defeated by the combined powers of the JSA, Titans, And all unaffiliated heroes still in operation weakening his body, Martian Manhunter weakening his mind and will by showing that Jonn is more emo than Adam, and by Billy removing his access to his magic. Pretty cool. Billy proves that he is indeed, more awesome than you. Personally, my bet on BA’s new magic word is “LEEEROOOOOOY JENKIIIIIIIINS”

Nightwing Annual #2: AWWWWWW. This is worth the buy. It has fantastic art and a touching story. Little 14 year old Dick Grayson might just be the cutest thing ever. “thinkcleanthoughts thinkcleanthoughts”. And he aparently had such a hard on he had to stay hunkered over. Oh god hillarity. And then he had to go be the complete jerk. Then Babs’ not quite breaking up, but putting them on hiatus. And Dick still hasn’t “found himself” but I think he’s getting closer! Really good comic. I don’t want to spoil too much because if you’re a Dick Grayson fan, or a fan of comic book romance, you really need to just go get this issue.

Robin #161: Poor Timmy. Got broken up with before he even really had a chance to screw things up. He tries so hard. Oh well, this leaves him single for Cassie. Oh wait…. Did I just say that out loud? Did I just… wish… for TimCass in comics? It’s eating my brain!!!! I like how there is an actual mystery to this plot and Tim gets to be smart and stuff. One part left in this arc!

Brave and the Bold #3: Oh My God. This issue was just as awesome as I hoped it would be. seriously, this is a must read. Jaime and Bruce are so cute together. And not in a slashy way (Though.. now that I think about it...). I want to take Jaime home with me and snuggle him. He's so cute. And still so in awe of being a hero. And Bruce wasnt a jerk, and Jaime pointed this out. Then the "I think I just peed". I even liked the stuff with Supergirl. Next one is Supergirl and Lobo... should be... interesting. Though it galls something inside my soul to see Supergirl in a leather jacket and round shaped sunglasses. Still, this is probibly the best book DC has out right now next to Detective.

Justice Leauge of America #8: VERY ENJOYABLE! I love the JSA. And.. Bruce just beat Karate Kid... I'm going to assume it's because KK was all wonked out from having a Starro on him and not to his full potential... because.. KK is supposed to be the end all be all of the best fighter in the DCU... which if Bats beat him, would make Bats the best. My only qualm, and it's a very minor one, was "Why would Clark have a Legion Flight Ring if he never was Superboy?" I definantly recomend this one. I am very much looking forward to the rest of this arc.

Superman/Batman #34: WHEEE! METAL MEN! That's pretty much as far as my brain will comprehend here. LOL ok, maybe more. It's hard to do a review of the first story of an arc. DC is touting this as a 'vs' story, and like most 'vs' stories where you pit two hero teams against eachother, it's pretty obvious that they are going to team up to fight a mutal enemy and have a sort of good relationship by the end. And given DC's tendency to want to revive all things Silver Age lately, it will be a great relationship, a handshake, a "we totaly have to do this again" and a bunch of hearty laughing. Regardless, I dont care. cause... METAL MEN!

The Flash: Fastest Man Alive #11: OK, we have more Bart as Bart, though it isnt as obvious as it was last issue, but that's to be expected. Once you're into the story line, you dont get personal life things tossed in often. So... Now Bart is out to his Rouges and to the LAPD. I’m hoping the big change that they’re teasing for June and July is that Bart will be an out hero and maybe go back to a half cowl like what was on the Kid Flash outfit, you know since he's out and all and doesnt need to do the secret identity thing as much. Though, it's remnicent of how Wally used to be out. I want to say gah to that...but oh well. Damn, Tony Daniel draws a HOT BART.

Damn. Just... gah.. Lots of comics. So, Last night I dreamt that I was at work and a guy came in with a ski mask and gun demanding to see a manager because he'd interviewed for a job a few weeks before andhe'd been calling and no one would talk to him to let him know if he needed to come back for a second interview. And I thought to myself "That's it... I'm quitting." Then the next scene, and I knew there had been some passage of time, I was at work, filing new account folders, and I thought I must not have quit, then suddenly Renee Montoya and Vic Sage, Both in their Question outfits, walked past and waved and I realized I'd gotten a job at the Hall of Justice/Watchtower. Then, today, when I really did file away the new account folders, I was quite bummed it wasnt a prophetic dream.

I am all caught up on recording lines, I only have one more to do for Dixie...rough draft at least. Then I gotta go back and record everything because aparently today was have fun with breath pops day. I have the cover for Dixie 11 drawn up and just need to scan, ink, and color it.

comic rant, dreams

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