Strange note about me: I tend to have flying dreams every so often and I’m always flying like a superhero (Rather than a bird), in the dream I generally AM a Superhero of some sort, but I’m always a crappy one who cant stay in the air and is always struggling to get off the ground. Yes, I know there are serious Freudian things there. I have low self esteem, this is something I’ve known for a while. I think I might have mentioned this before even.
However, I’ve felt this strange lightness the last few days. Flighty-ness. Not in the sense that I feel ditzy or air headed (Which, being my normal state of being, I wouldn’t notice) but that I’ve felt like if I were to just push off the ground in the right way I’d be flying. Yesterday I had my first dream where I was flying and didn’t stumble or sink to the ground. I was transported to the DCU back before Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day was supposed to happen. I somehow got a hold of a LOSH Flight Ring (Stole it from Booster?) and went and got Superman and Wonder Woman and some other League heavy hitters to stop the Superman robot before it killed Lillith and Troya. Pretty freaking detailed dream, I know. That’s how mine usual are.
Now, I know that dreams are just your brain trying to make sense of the neuron discharges your brain has to do in order to de-frag it’s self when you’re in REM level sleep. But generally the subconscious tries to make these discharges fit your normal mode of thought. Subconsciously, my brain thinks it can’t fly, that I’m too heavy or not good enough or whatever my self-esteem is saying that week and it puts that constraint on my thoughts. To suddenly have a dream where I CAN fly is kind of a big deal. I know I felt really freaking good waking up after it, so much so that the good feeling has remained. Nothing’s really changed in my life though, except two things:
1.) I’ve set my mind on moving to Boston in June and NYC in August with Heather
2.) I joined Pendant Productions and have art up on two shows and get lots of praise for them and lots of praise for the auditions I’ve sent in.
So, between those two things, I’m in this amazingly amazing mood. And I honestly think it has more to do with Pendant, because, while I am excited about getting to move in with Heather and live in a new city and stuff, I know that there is a lot of stuff I have to do before then, and I know that June and July are going to be spent away from my kitties and after June I’m not going to get to see my doggy much anymore, which actually makes my teary eyed just sitting here typing it. So, yeah. If I knew getting back into acting and stuff was going to give my self esteem such a huge freaking boost, I would have done it ages ago.
Haha, When I sat down to type, I meant to do a comic rant! For once I actually had something about me to write in my journal! It’s amazing! I guess I just needed to share how very happy I am that I had an actual flying dream.
Action Comics #847: Clark is stuck in the Phantom Zone and Zod has an army of Kryptonians ravaging the US and somewhere in the production team for Action (AhemRichardDonnerAhem) has flaked out on their duties. Never the less, this is probably the best filler issue of a comic ever. I love Dwayne McDuffy, and I have since I saw Wild Cards on Justice League. That episode was badass. The whole thing focuses on Jon and Martha Kent and their fretting over how they are in yet another end of the world situation and their son is no where to be found. Jon tells Martha about watching Clark save an alien culture from a Sun Eater. The art is amazing! For once, Jon and Martha don’t look like an old fogey and biddy. They just look like.. older people. And I don’t know if they look old enough to be Clark’s parents, though. They look like they’re in their late 50s and Clark is supposed to be in his late 30s. Though… I guess if they found Clark when he was 3 and they were 25… 13 and 35, 23 and 45, 33 and 55, 37 and 59… it’s not entirely unfeasible. It just puts Jon and Martha as much younger than they usually are when they find Clark. Anyway, Love the art. Story is good. This is all I ask for in a comic. I am pleased.
52 #47: BRUCE AND TIM! And here I thought I wasn’t going to have anything relevant to link into Persist_heroes today. Bruce and Tim have met up with Diana in Nanda Parbat and Bruce (As part of his atoning for bad karma) went into the seclusion cave that Montoya came out of a few weeks ago to face his demons. A note on this: I kind of like this story line. Frank Miller’s version of Batman and the following Editorial mandates stating that Miller’s characterization is the cannon characterization is one of the big huge mistakes of the 90s. The thought, I suppose, was to take Batman back to his “original roots” cause way back when Bob Kane first thought him up, Bats wasn’t above killing. This didn’t last long, and why? Because no one wants a comic about a complete ass-hat. The best characterization of Bats has been the DCAU characterization, which drew heavily from Silver and Bronze age characterizations, specifically late 70s early to mid 80s stories where Bats was darker and brooder, but still had a sense of humor. He had angst, but was still human and likable. Someone in the DCU has realized this and are pushing to change him and instead of just handing down an editorial mandate, they are working it with the plot. After he lost control of Brother I and the OMAC fiasco, nearly losing his son in the Crisis, and being nearly killed himself by Superman, Bruce realized that the ass-hat mentality he adopted after Jason’s death wasn’t saving anyone any grief. Bruce already has a leaning to Eastern and Middle Eastern philosophies, so having him seek out the desert mystics and the Lama at Nanda Parbat is in character. He’s getting a chance to right himself after several years of floundering in darkness. He’ll still have the darkness and pain, that’s never going to completely go away and he does need that to operate as Batman, but he now will know how to channel it. He has lightness too. His smile at the end as he emerged from the cave was the prettiest thing ever. Thank you, whoever came up with this plot. In other words on this issue, I love the art. Timmy is very cute. There’s an interesting exchange between Tim and Diana about how they’ve all changed since the Crisis, which makes me think of the kind of odd camaraderie that those two had back in issue 2 and 3 of Wonder Woman. Tim is really an oddity in the DCU. He’s just as well respected among the huge names like Superman and Wonder Woman and J’onn J’onzz as Batman is. And he’s only 17. Also, MONTOYA NIGHTWING TEAM UP NEXT WEEK! Question is (ha, question, get it?) Is this Dick or Jason?
Wow, I typed a lot more than I meant!
Origins of the Teen Titans: I am giving this its own entry because OMG I WANT TO HAVE KARL KERSCHL’S BABIES. THE ART! MY GOD, THE ART! That’s it. I can’t explain in words how FREAKING GIDDY these two pages have made me. Instead, I shall just post them. Now, I believe I recall Dan Didio saying in a DC Nation page some time last summer that there was a Teen Titans: Year One mini in the works for late this year and I also want to say that he said Kerschl was going to be on the arts. If this is indeed the case, then retailers are going to have to keep the issues in a brown paper wrapping and behind the desk because the CUTE might cause people to spontaneously explode. Ok, After looking through the DC Nation index on I see that I WAS RIGHT! DC Nation #31: TEEN TITANS: YEAR ONE. The original team revisited, focusing on their very earliest days, as imagined by animation writer Amy Wolfram (TEEN TITANS GO!, LEGION OF SUPER HEROES) with art by the popular Karl Kerschl. Oh My God. This is going to be the CUTEST PROJECT EVER! WANT NOW! ::Makes grabby hands::
Batman #664: The first half is made of pure awesome. Bruce looks HOT in the art. It picks up right where the Batman and Son arc left off with Bruce leaving Gibralter and going on a vacation with some tart in the alps, presumably to get his mind off what happened and as an alibi for where Bruce Wayne was at the moment. Bruce totally took down a paparazzi helicopter with a ski pole. He is, indeed, the goddamned Batman. Also, I like that they are bringing back Bane, though not really happy he’s back on Venom. As a character, I enjoy Bane more when he’s voiced by Hector Elizondo smart and sane. Though I do like they remember his odd character quirk of torturing hookers since he cant find sexual pleasure due to all the steroids in his system. I’m looking forward to the next story in this arc. Next month is part 2 and will go into what all Bruce saw in the cave in Nanda Parbat in this week’s 52, then we have the 666 issue featuring Damian as Future Batman (Boooo, Hisssss TIMMY IS FUTURE BATMAN) then, June, we have the RETURN OF THE BATMEN OF ALL NATIONS. Man, that is some serious silver age crack.
Teen Titans Go #41: I thought at first that the villain in this was going to be Joker’s Daughter, and apparently Robin thought the same thing. I like how it was Kitten. I love Kitten. The idea of an inept super villain father and his bratty daughter cracks me up. Todd Nauck back on pencils fills me with HAPPY. The page with the fight between the Gatchaman helmeted Robin and Pink X was GORGEOUS, not to mention utter hilarity as Pink X claims to be the daughter of Red X, who is, in fact, Robin. In all, very cute issue.
Conner Hawke: Dragons Blood #5: The story on this is kind of blah, but Eddie Fyers is the most awesome non conventional side kick ever. And Conner is sex on a stick (arrow?). I really want this to segway into it’s own comic series, covering the globe trotting adventures of simple Conner and lecherous Eddie.